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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

2 ENT Surgical Procedures

3 Ear Operations

4 Myrigotomy

5 Indications of myringotomy
AOM with bulging TM Relieve pain C & S To produce a clean cut incision which is more likely to heal spontaneously

6 Indications of myringotomy
AOM with bulging TM Insertion of Ventilation tube (Grommet tube)


8 Indications of Ventilation Tube Insertion
Otitis Media with Effusion Repeated attacks of acute otitis media

9 Complications of myringotomy
Injury to incudostapedial Joint Bleeding (high dehiscent jugular bulb)

10 Complications of Ventilation Tubes

11 Complications of Ventilation Tubes
Infection Blockage

12 Complications of Ventilation Tubes
Infection Blockage Early extrusion

13 Complications of Ventilation Tubes
Infection Blockage Early extrusion Tympanoscleosis

14 Complications of Ventilation Tubes
Infection Blockage Early extrusion Tympanosclerosis Persistent perforation

15 Myringoplasty Tympanoplasty
An operation performed to repair the tympanic membrane An operation performed to repair the tympanic cavity (TM and/or the ossicles)

16 Indications Chronic infections (CSOM) Trauma Congenital (not common)

17 Aims of Tympanoplasty and Myringoplasty
To close the perforation To prevent re-infection To improve hearing


An operation performed to covert the mastoid antrum and air cells into one cavity, without disturbing the existing middle ear content

20 Aim Drainage

21 Indications of cortical mastoidectomy
Acute mastoiditis not responding to medical treatment Mastoid abscess

22 Technique of Cortical Mastoidectomy



25 Radical & Modified Radical Mastoidectomy
Radical An operation in which the mastoid antrum and middle ear and the external canal are converted into common cavity. The tympanic membrane, malleus and incus are removed leaving only the stapes in situ. Modified Radical An operation in which the mastoid antrum and middle ear and the external canal are converted into common cavity. The tympanic membrane and ossicles remnants are retained


27 Indication CSOM with Cholesteatoma (attico-antral or the unsafe type)

28 Indication CSOM with Cholesteatoma (attico-antral or the unsafe type)


30 Aims of radical & modified radical mastoidectomy
Remove cholesteatoma to provide Safety Dry ear Preserve hearing

31 Complications of Tympanoplasty & Mastoidectomy
Facial nerve injury Inner ear trauma Other complications Chorda tympani injury Hemorrahge, infection etc

32 The Pharynx

33 Adenoidectomy

34 Indication Large and/or chronically infected adenoid causing symptoms or complications


36 General Contraindications
Bleeding tendency Recent URTI

37 Local Contraindication
Palatopharyngeal incompetence Speech path consult for speech disorder. Submucous cp 1 in 1200



40 INDICATIONS Obstructing tonsillar enlargement

41 INDICATIONS Obstructing tonsillar enlargement Suspected malignancy

42 INDICATIONS Obstructing tonsillar enlargement Suspected malignancy
Repeated attacks of tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis One attack of quinsy (peritnosillar abscess)


44 INDICATIONS Obstructing tonsillar enlargement Suspected malignancy
Repeated attacks of tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis One attack of quinsy (peritnosillar abscess) Others

45 CONTRAINDICATIONS Bleeding tendency Recent URTI

46 COMPLICATIONS Hemorrhage Respiratory obstruction
Primary Reactionary Secondary Respiratory obstruction Injury to near-by structures Pulmonary and distant infections

47 Primary Hemorrhage Bleeding occurring during the surgery Causes
Bleeding tendency Acute infections Bad technique Management General supportive measures Diathermy, ligature or stitches Packing

48 Reactionary Hemorrhage
Bleeding occurring within the first 24 hours postoperative period Causes Bleeding tendency Slipped ligature Diagnosis Rising pulse & dropping blood pressure Rattle breathing Blood trickling from the mouth Frequent swallowing Examination

49 Reactionary Hemorrhage
Treatment General supportive measures Take patient back to OR Control like reactionary hemorrhage

50 Secondary hemorrhage Occur 5-10 days posoperatively Due to infection
Treated by antibiotics May need diathermy or packing

51 Sinonasal Surgery

52 Closed reduction of fracture nasal bone

53 Closed reduction of fracture nasal bone

54 Septoplasty

55 Indications Deviated septum causing symptoms or complications

56 Septoplasty

57 Rhinoplasty An operation to correct external nasal deformity for functional and/or cosmotic purposes.



60 Complications of Septoplasty and/or Rhinoplasty
Septal hematoma & abscess Septal perforation Nasal deformity Synechia (adhesion)

61 The Turbinates

62 Causes of turbinate enlargement
Physiological enlargement (nasal cycle) Acute rhinitis Chronic allergic and non-allergic rhinitis Deviated nasal septum (compensatory enlargement)


64 Surgical treatment of obstructing turbinates
Partial inferior turbinectomy & turbinoplasty

65 Surgical treatment of obstructing turbinates
Partial inferior turbinectomy & turbinoplasty Electrocautery, Cryosurgery, Laser Surgery Submucous Diathermy

66 Complications Bleeding Synechia (adhesion) Atrophic rhinitis


68 FESS Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Endoscopic surgery in the paranasal sinus aims at preserving the “function” of the sinuses


70 Indications Chronic sinusitis not responding to medical treatment
Sino-nasal polyposis Others Tumors CSF rhinorrhea

71 Complications Synechia Bleeding
Orbital complications (hematoma, optic nerve injury, etc)



74 Complications Synechia Bleeding
Orbital complications (hematoma, optic nerve injury, etc) Cranial and intracranial complications (CSF rhinorrhea, meningitis etc)


76 Endoscopy

77 Endoscopy Pharyngoscopy Esophogoscopy Laryngoscopy Bronchoscopy

78 General Indications Diagnostic Therapeutics
Hoarseness, dysphagia, hemoptsis etc Biopsy Therapeutics FB removal Dilatation of stricture Removal of benign tumors

79 Types Flexible Rigid

80 Flexible naso-pharyngo-laryngoscopy




84 Direct Rigid Laryngoscopy

85 Dedo Jackson Jako

86 Direct Laryngoscopy

87 Microlayngoscopy

88 Rigid Bronchoscopy


90 Flexible Bronchoscopy

91 Flexible Esophagoscopy

92 Rigid Esophagoscopy

93 Complications of endoscopy
Bleeding Swelling of the mucosa of the targeted organ Rupture of the wall Injury to near by-structure

94 Yousry El-Sayed
THANK YOU Yousry El-Sayed

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