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Pharmaceuticals Committee 06 March 2014 Luxembourg 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Pharmaceuticals Committee 06 March 2014 Luxembourg 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pharmaceuticals Committee 06 March 2014 Luxembourg 1

2 Draft Agenda 1.Welcome and adoption of draft agenda 2.Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting 3.Secretariat report 4.CCMI (EESC) Analysis of the pharmaceutical sector in Europe 5.European Commission on research, development & innovation in the Pharmaceutical sector 6.Trade Union assessment of the situation in the paharmaceutical sector  Situation in europe  Situation on national level 7.Company case ( GSK) 8.The Pharmaceutical sector and european Sectoral Social Dialogue EFPIA, EGA and AEGSP 9.Trade Union network 10.Update on nominations for the Select Working Party 11.Any other business

3 3. Report of the Secretariat A.Industriall European, High-Level Conference, Madrid 2 April 2014 Manifesto to put industry back to work This Manifesto sets out the demands of industriAll European Trade Union towards the new European Parliament which will be elected in May 2014 and the new European Commission which will take office shortly afterwards. The demands focus on the need to maintain a strong manufacturing base in Europe as a necessary condition to enhance economic growth, create quality jobs, support the transition to an environmentally sustainable industry and find solutions for the grand societal challenges our economies are confronted with.

4 3. Report of the Secretariat B. Proposal to set up a Think Tank for the next congress C. Future or the European Sectoral Social Dialogue  15 Years of EU Sectoral Social Dialogue – 11 December 2013  Meeting of the Social Dialogue Committee ETUC & Businesseurope – 20 February 2014  Budgets lines

5 3. Report of the Secretariat D. Chemical sector – Reach & Nanomaterials E. Energy and Climate Change policies F. Hairdressing Social Partners‘ Agreement G. Employment in Europe (younger and older workers)

6 8. The Pharmaceutical sector and European SSD Interaction with industry associations  EFPIA European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations  EGA European Generic Medecines Association  AEGSP Association of the European Self-Medecation Industry  ECEG

7 10. Update on Nomination for the select Working Party Current list: Jean-François Renucci (FCE-CFDT, FR)Chair of the Committee Fons de Potter (CSC-BIE, BE) (tbc)Chair SSDC for the Chemical industry Alexandra Krieger (IG BCE, DE) Marianne Vind Petersen (CO industry, DK) (tbc) Taru Reinikainen (PRO, FI) (tbc)

8 11. Any other business?

9 Thank you for your attention! Contacts:

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