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Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Lecture 4 COUNTIF(s)/SUMIF(s)/SUMPRODUCT/ AVERAGEIF(s)/LARGE/SMALL/RANK 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Lecture 4 COUNTIF(s)/SUMIF(s)/SUMPRODUCT/ AVERAGEIF(s)/LARGE/SMALL/RANK 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science & Engineering 2111 Lecture 4 COUNTIF(s)/SUMIF(s)/SUMPRODUCT/ AVERAGEIF(s)/LARGE/SMALL/RANK 1

2 COUNTIF FUNCTION Counts the number of items in a range that meet a specific criteria =COUNTIF(range, criteria) Range: A continuous range Criteria: Determines what cells to count 2 CriteriaCriteria SyntaxExample NumberType in number=COUNTIF(B3:B31,6) TextSurround text in quotes=COUNTIF(B3:B31,”USA”) Cell ReferenceType in cell reference=COUNTIF(B3:B31,A2) “Hard Coded” Boolean Expression Surround Boolean expression in quotes=COUNTIF(B3:B31,”<=5”) Cell Reference Boolean Expression Surround Boolean expression in quotes and type & before the cell reference =COUNTIF(B3:B31, “>” &B2) Wild CardUse Asterisk=COUNTIF(B3:B31,”USA*”)

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6 COUNTIFS FUNCTION Counts the number of items in a range (using multiple criteria and multiple ranges) that meet a specific criteria All criterion must be true in order for the cell to be counted =COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1,[criteria_range2,criteria2], …) Criteria_range1: A continuous range Criteria1: Determines what cells to count Syntax rules the same as COUNTIF 6

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8 SUMIF FUNCTION Sums the number of items in a range that meet a specific criteria =SUMIF(criteria_range, criteria,[sum_range]) Criteria_Range: A continuous range Criteria: Determines what cells to count Sum_Range: If criteria is met, the computer will sum the corresponding entry in this range Same criteria syntax as COUNTIF If a sum_range argument is not used, the sum_range will be the same as the criteria_range 8

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11 SUMIFS FUNCTION Sums a range (using multiple criteria and multiple ranges) that meet a specific criteria All criterion must be true in order for the cell to be summed =SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1,criteria1[criteria_range2,criteria2], …) Sum_Range: Range to sum if criterion are met Criteria_Range1: Range of first criteria Criteria1: Criteria for range1 Criteria syntax rules the same as COUNTIF 11

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13 AVERAGEIF and AVERAGEIFS FUNCTION =AVERAGEIF(criteria_range, criteria,[average_range]) Averages the number of items in a range that meet a specific criteria =AVERAGEIFS(average_range, criteria_range1,criteria1[criteria_range2,criteria2], …) Averages a range (using multiple criteria and multiple ranges) that meet a specific criteria All criterion must be true in order for the cell to be averaged. 13

14 SUMPRODUCT FUNCTION Multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products. =SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2], [array3], …) array1: The first array argument whose components you want to multiply and then add The array arguments must be the same dimension Treats non-numeric cells as 0 14

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16 LARGE and SMALL FUNCTION =LARGE(array, k) Returns the k-th largest value in a range Array: A continuous range k: The position (from the largest) in the array (range) =SMALL(array, k) Returns the k-th smallest value in a range Array: A continuous range k: The position (from the smallest) in the array (range) 16

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18 RANK.EQ FUNCTION Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers =RANK.EQ(number, ref, [order]) Number: The number whose rank you want to find Ref: The Array or range of values to rank Order: A number specifying how to rank the numbers – 0 or omitted: Ranks in descending order – 1: Ranks in ascending order 18

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