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DANGEROUS DISASTERS A PowerPoint about the top 10 deadliest earthquakes and volcanoes in history, created by Tracy Glova, Daniela Nguyen, and Ly Truong.

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Presentation on theme: "DANGEROUS DISASTERS A PowerPoint about the top 10 deadliest earthquakes and volcanoes in history, created by Tracy Glova, Daniela Nguyen, and Ly Truong."— Presentation transcript:

1 DANGEROUS DISASTERS A PowerPoint about the top 10 deadliest earthquakes and volcanoes in history, created by Tracy Glova, Daniela Nguyen, and Ly Truong.

2 TOP 10 DEADLIEST EARTHQUAKES  Ten: The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923  Nine: The Ashgabat Earthquake of 1924  Eight: The Hokkaido Earthquake of 1730  Seven: The Ardabil Earthquake of 1997  Six: The Damghan Earthquake of 856  Five: The Indian Ocean Earthquake of 2004  Four: The Aleppo Earthquake of 1138  Three: The Haiyun Earthquake of 1920  Two: The Tangshan Earthquake of 1976  One: The Shaanxi Earthquake of 1556

3 10: THE GREAT KANTO EARTHQUAKE OF 1923  Date: September 01, 1923  Location: Kanto plain of Honshu, Japan  Magnitude: 8.3  Duration: 4-10 minutes (11:58 AM)  Death toll: 142,000

4 9: THE ASHGABAT EARTHQUAKE OF 1948  Date: October 06, 1948  Location: Ashgabat, Turkmenistan  Magnitude: 7.3  Duration: Unknown (2:17 AM)  Death toll: 110,000

5 8: THE HOKKAIDO EARTHQUAKE OF 1730  Date: December 30, 1730  Location: Hokkaido, Japan  Magnitude: 8.3  Duration: Unknown  Death toll: 137,000

6 7: THE ARDABIL EARTHQUAKE OF 1997  Date: February 28, 1997  Location: Ardabil, Iran  Magnitude: 6.1  Duration: 15 seconds (4:37 PM)  Death toll: 150,000

7 6: THE DAMGHAN EARTHQUAKE OF 856  Date: December 22, 856  Location: Alborz mountain range (present day Iran)  Magnitude: 8  Duration: Unknown  Death toll: 200,000

8 5: THE INDIAN OCEAN EARTHQUAKE OF 2004  Date: December 26, 2004  Location: Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maldives, and the eastern coast of Africa  Magnitude: 9.1 – 9.3  Duration: 8-10 minutes  Death toll: 200,000

9 4: THE ALEPPO EARTHQUAKE OF 1138  Date: October 11, 1138  Location: Aleppo, Syria  Magnitude: 8.5  Duration: Unknown  Death toll: 230,000

10 3: THE HAIYUAN EARTHQUAKE OF 1920  Date: December 16, 1920  Location: Haiyuan, China  Magnitude: 7.8 – 8.5  Duration: (12:06 PM)  Death toll: 235, 502

11 2: THE TANGSHAN EARTHQUAKE OF 1976  Date: July 28, 1976  Location: Tangshan, China  Magnitude: 7.8  Duration: 23 seconds (7:42 PM)  Death toll: 242,419 – 779,000

12 1: THE SHAANXI EARTHQUAKE OF 1556  Date: January 23, 1556  Location: Ming China (all countries occupied by China during the Ming Dynasty; more than 97 countries)  Magnitude: 8  Duration: Unknown  Death toll: 820,000 – 830,00

13 TOP 10 DEADLIEST VOLCANO ERUPTIONS  Ten: The Mount Galunggung Eruption of 1882  Nine: The Mount Kelut Eruption of 1919  Eight: The Second Mount Vesuvius Eruption of 1631  Seven: The Laki Volcanic System Eruption of 1783  Six: The First Mount Vesuvius Eruption of 79 AD  Five: The Mount Unzen Eruption of 1792  Four: The Nevado del Ruiz Eruption of 1985  Three: The Mount Krakatoa Eruption of 1883  Two: The Mount Pelee Eruption of 1902  One: The Mount Tambora Eruption of 1816

14 10: THE MOUNT GALUNGGUNG ERUPTION OF 1882  Date: October 1882  Location: West Java, Indonesia  Death toll: 4,011

15 9: THE MOUNT KELUT ERUPTION OF 1919  Date: May 19, 1919  Location: East Java, Indonesia  Death toll: 5,110

16 8: THE 2ND MOUNT VESUVIUS ERUPTION OF 1631  Date: December 1631  Location: Gulf of Naples, Italy  Death toll: 6,000

17 7: THE LAKI VOLCANIC SYSTEM ERUPTION OF 1783  Date: June 08, 1783  Location: southern Iceland  Death toll: 9,350

18 6: THE FIRST MOUNT VESUVIUS ERUPTION OF 79 AD  Date: April 24, 79 AD  Location: Gulf of Naples, Italy  Death toll: 10,000 +

19 5: THE MOUNT UNZEN ERUPTION OF 1792  Date: Exact month and date unknown  Location: Kyushu, Japan  Death toll: 15,000

20 4: TH NEVADO DEL RUIZ ERUPTION OF 1985  Date: November 13, 1985  Location: Caldas and Tolima, Colombia  Death toll: 23,000

21 3: THE MOUNT KRAKATOA ERUPTION OF 1883  Date: August 26-27, 1883  Location: The Sunda Stait of Indonesia  Death toll: 36,000

22 2: THE MOUNT PELEE ERUPTION OF 1902  Date: May 07/08, 1902  Location: Lesser Antilles, In the Carribean  Death toll: 40,000

23 1: THE MOUNT TAMBORA ERUPTION OF 1815  Date: April 10, 1815  Location: Sumbawa, Indonesia  Death toll: 92,000

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