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Evaluating Websites Do you trust everyone to tell you the truth? Osama bin Laden, Terrorist 1957-2011 Was one of FBI’s 10 Most Wanted Fugitives Reward:

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Websites Do you trust everyone to tell you the truth? Osama bin Laden, Terrorist 1957-2011 Was one of FBI’s 10 Most Wanted Fugitives Reward:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Websites Do you trust everyone to tell you the truth? Osama bin Laden, Terrorist 1957-2011 Was one of FBI’s 10 Most Wanted Fugitives Reward: $52 million

2 Who puts stuff on the Web? Do you believe everything you see & hear? I do!

3 WHOOOO? Selects Edits Approves Reviews Monitors Content on the Internet?

4 Be suspicious of free info! Ask: Who? What? When? Where? Why? The 5 W’s

5 Who? Who? Who is the author? Authority?

6 Who? Authority Author/ group/ organization/ publisher/ sponsor responsible? Credentials/ qualifications? Expert? Look for links: Home, About, Background, Contact

7 Google the name: “Homer Simpson” Truncate back the URL: Use & enter Click: Whois Lookup


9 What? What is the accuracy of the site?

10 What? Accuracy Does the info appear accurate? Can you verify facts? Is the info scholarly? Is info documented with sources or links?

11 Are there errors in spelling/ grammar/ links? Is site linked to reputable sites? In Google search box, type: link:paste URL link:

12 When? When? When was the information created? Currency?

13 When? Currency Is page dated? (no? – don’t use!) When was page created? When was page last updated or revised? Is any info out-of-date? Are links still active? Does current date matter?

14 Where? Where does the information come from?

15 URL – Domain? ~ or % = personal = = = = = =,.uk = country codes

16 Why? Why was the page created?

17 Is the purpose: To inform? To explain? To persuade? To sell? To satirize? To entertain?

18 Does the author: State his/her purpose? Appear biased? Distinguish fact from opinion? Use excessive advertising?

19 CAUTION Never use information you can’t verify! What about Wikipedia? World Book Encyclopedia?

20 Citing Information Database articles have citations! Son of Citation Machine Easy Bib Whatever you use, you must format the citation yourself & double check it!

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