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A MERICAN S TUDIES M ONDAY, 15 S EPTEMBER 2014 Time will pass; will you? 51 days remain in the fall semester. Today’s Goals: To test for comprehension.

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Presentation on theme: "A MERICAN S TUDIES M ONDAY, 15 S EPTEMBER 2014 Time will pass; will you? 51 days remain in the fall semester. Today’s Goals: To test for comprehension."— Presentation transcript:

1 A MERICAN S TUDIES M ONDAY, 15 S EPTEMBER 2014 Time will pass; will you? 51 days remain in the fall semester. Today’s Goals: To test for comprehension of types of fallacies and support for arguments To present and advertisement analysis To

2 H OUSEKEEPING AND R ECOGNITION Homecoming Voting Do you drive to school? Thanks to the kind hearts of Sophie and Gabby and Salim for working at Paz de Christo last Friday! Who would like to work October 10? Collect Vocab Log #4; Vocab Sentence Set #2 The course calendar is current The College Fair is Wednesday, 9/17, 6-8 P.M., at Chandler Center for the Arts. U.S. Senate Youth Scholarship Program: Deadline 10/15 First Freedom Student Competition: Deadline 11/17 The Class WebsiteClass Website Are you monitoring your grades? Alert us immediately to any discrepancies.

3 W HAT IS RHETORIC ? The traditional definition of rhetoric, first proposed by Aristotle, and embellished over the centuries by scholars and teachers, is that rhetoric is the art of observing in any given case the “available means of persuasion.” The three most basic components: The Rhetorical Triangle

4 R ATING THE P RESENTATIONS 7-9: This is a great advertisement. The presentation is organized and well-prepared. The presenter is articulate and knowledgeable about the topic, and hits on every applicable aspect for analysis. The presentation is interesting and captivating. 5-6: This is a good advertisement. The presentation is organized and prepared. The presentation is clear, and hits on almost every applicable aspect for analysis. The presentation holds interest. 1-4: The ad is adequate for the assignment. The presentation is somewhat organized and prepared. The analysis of applicable aspects is apparent, but weak in some areas. The presentation needs a little polishing.

5 H OMEWORK R EMINDERS Tomorrow: Wrap Ad presentations American Pageant, Chapter 10, “Launching the Ship of State,” pages 199-213 Wednesday: American Pageant, Chapter 10, “Launching the Ship of State,” pages 213-233b 186-198b —guiding questions due —tii upload required Thursday: Test, Time Periods 1-3 Friday: American Pageant, Chapter 11, “The Triumph and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic,” pages 224-238 Annotated Bibs, Set #2, is due 9/23 —tii upload required

6 T ODAY ’ S C LASS — PLEASE HAVE YOUR VOCABULARY LOGS ON YOUR DESKS Support/Fallacies Quiz Ad Presentations You must take a quick note on every presentation: Presenter’s Name The ad, and something memorable about it Rating the presentation Today’s Presentations: Niha Priyanka Rayne Sophia

7 A MERICAN P AGEANT, C HAPTER 10, “L AUNCHING THE S HIP OF S TATE ” Return of work discussion Read Period 3 Handout for any areas you are unclear on at this point in time. Washington Presidents Video – T- Column

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