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WRRI, NARC, Islamabad. March 24th, 2005. PARC-ICIMOD Partnership 1992 – An in-formal collaboration was initiated between PARC and ICIMOD 1994 – A first.

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Presentation on theme: "WRRI, NARC, Islamabad. March 24th, 2005. PARC-ICIMOD Partnership 1992 – An in-formal collaboration was initiated between PARC and ICIMOD 1994 – A first."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRRI, NARC, Islamabad. March 24th, 2005

2 PARC-ICIMOD Partnership 1992 – An in-formal collaboration was initiated between PARC and ICIMOD 1994 – A first formal collaboration was started in the field of GIS between PARC and ICIMOD 2002 – PARC - ICIMOD started a formal project on “Glaciers, Glacier Lakes and GLOF Outbursts in HKH region of Pakistan ”.

3 Pakistan

4 Glaciers in Hindu Kush-Himalaya-Karakoram Region Source: Map of Glacier Resources in the Himalayas, Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China, 1999 Drainage Basin No. of Glaciers Total area (Km 2 ) Total Ice Reserves (Km 3 ) Mapam Yumco Lake (Mansharovar Lake) 48 66.514.3592 Ganga River 6694 16676.891971.4876 Yarlung Zangbo River (Barmhaputera River) 4366 6579.44600.3341 Indus River 5057 8925.96850.3704 Sutlej River 1900 2860.82307.9283 Total18065 35109.623734.4796

5 Mosaic of northern glaciated region of Pakistan. Mosaic of Landsat-7 ETM+ Quick Looks (2000-2001) Path 148-151 Row 34-36 Astor Shyok Shigar Jhelum Shingo Indus Swat Gilgit Chitral Hunza

6 Maps Quick view Topographic mapsSatellite images Reports Literature Study and acquisition of Reports Maps IRS Landsat-7 ETM+ Analysis and identification of potentially dangerous lakes FINAL REPORT/ CD Dissemination of results (Workshop/Seminar/ Conferences) Dissemination of results (Workshop/Seminar/ Conferences) Inventory of glaciers and glacial lakes Capturing digital database of glaciers and glacial lakes from the map and satellite images Transfer of methodology Transfer of methodology Attribute database development


8 Glaciers

9 Mountain Glaciers Valley Glaciers

10 A large Valley Glacier


12 Avalanches in the Mountainous areas bring heavy loads of snow downstream

13 Materials Topographic maps 1:50,000 Survey of Pakistan 1960s to 70s (not available for use) 1:250,000 Survey of Pakistan, 1960s (available but no detail projection parameter) 1:500,000 National Imagery Mapping Agency and Defense Mapping Agency of US (1996, NIMA map) Aerial photographs not available for use Satellite images Landsat-7 ETM+

14 Methodology Mapping and Inventory of Glaciers is based on Muller et al. 1977 World Glacier Inventory (WGI), Temporary Technical Secretary (TTS), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich And ICIMOD 2001 Inventory of glaciers and glacial lakes of Nepal and Bhutan

15 Registration of snow and ice masses Numbering of glaciers Spatial distribution Area of the glacier Length of the glacier Elevation of tongue and crown of the glaciers Orientation of the glacier Thickness of the glacier Ice reserve Activity of glaciers Morphological classification

16 Glacier Inventory of ----- River Basin Total number: ------ Total area: --------- Km 2 Ice Reserves:--------- Km 3 ABCDEFGHIJKL Glacier No. Glacier Name Long.Lat.Area (m 2 ) Mean length (m) Orient. Accum. Orient. Abla. Classifi cation TypeIce thickn ess (m) Ice Reser. (km 3 ) Ice Thickness = –11.32 + 53.21 F 0.3 (F= glacial area) Ice Reserve=(Mean Ice Thickness) x (Glacial Area)

17 Glaciers of River Basins Studied

18 Summary of glacier inventory BasinsBasin Area (Km 2 ) Glaciated area (Km 2 ) No. of Glaciers Total Length (Km) Ice Reserves (Km 3 ) Swat14656223.5523333012.22 Chitral153221903.675421416258.82 Gilgit14082968.10585118583.35 Hunza163894677.3410502915808.79 Shigar73822240.08194829581.27 Shyok102353547.843721093891.80 Indus32571688.001098104246.38 Shingo468036.911721001.01 Astor4214607.0358854947.93 Jhelum9198148.183842586.94 Total128730.815040.70521897182738.51

19 Glacial Lakes



22 Inventory of Glacial Lakes of ------ River Basin Total number: ---- Total area:------ km 2 ABCDEFGHIJK Lake No. Lake Name Lat.Long.Area (m 2 ) Mean Length (m) Distance to glacier (m) Associated Glacier number Orien tation Drainage Condition Lake Type

23 Glacial Lakes of River Basins Studied

24 Types of glacial lakes BasinsBlockedCirqueEnd Moraine Lateral Moraine ErosionSupra- glacial ValleyTotal Swat 312374144154255 Chitral 481914702052187 Gilgit 253100492832125614 Hunza 4-43205524110 Shigar 21--1-30254 Shyok 421232611866 Indus 35398622287357574 Shingo 125243141341238 Astor 8294342139126 Jhelum 143247110110196 Total 5122532214910641974122420

25 Potentially Dangerous Glacial Lakes

26 Major and Potentially Dangerous Glacial Lakes Basins Number of lakes Lake Area (km 2 ) Largest lake (km 2 ) TotalMajorDangerous Swat255163215.860.81 Chitral1877019.371.86 Gilgit614380839.172.72 Hunza1104713.220.29 Shigar5411-1.090.24 Shyok663162.680.27 Indus5743281526.061.35 Shingo238139511.591.36 Astor1266495.530.54 Jhelum19695511.791.04 Total2420132852126.35

27 Conclusions- I  Total number of Glaciers………. 5,218  Total glaciated area........................... 15041 Km 2  Est. Ice Reserves..………………. 2,738 Km 3  Glacial Lakes……………………. 2,420  Major Lakes…………………….. 1,328  Potentially Dangerous Lakes…... 52 Continued……

28 Conclusion-II  Maximum glaciers are on northern aspects  Maximum glacial lakes are in Gilgit and Indus River Basins  Most of the potentially dangerous lakes are in the southern basins

29 Indus Basin

30 Forest Agriculture Grass Land Bare Ground Water Snow Shadow/Clouds Dangerous Lakes


32 Future Perspectives

33 What next? Complete inventory and development of a spatial and attribute digital database using reliable medium- to large- scale (1:50,000 to 1:10,000) topographic maps and RS data. Identify and monitor PDGL using temporal high resolution RS data, and a multi-disciplinary professional team, over- flight observation and field surveys. Establish physical monitoring systems around the potentially dangerous glacial lakes and along the corridors downstream. Develop an Early Warning System with necessary instrumentation at glacial lakes of concern and downstream to minimize the impacts of GLOF Cont.....

34 Carry out necessary mitigation works in the glacial lakes of concern to avoid the possible GLOF. Regional cooperation and interaction among all relevant organizations/institutions/agencies within and outside the Hindu Kush-Himalayan-Karakoram Region. Dissemination of scientific findings of detailed studies, practical experiences, mitigation activities, and promote preparedness for possible disasters arising from GLOF events. Bring about awareness amongst policymakers and the public in general.

35 Potential Future Applications Provides a baseline information for  Global climate change studies  Planning for water Resources  Biodiversity and environmental studies  Infrastructure development  Hazard mitigation  Irrigated agricultural planning for food security for poverty reduction....etc.

36 Future Initiatives Mountain Area Conservancy Fund Italian initiative on the “Regional Decision Support System for National Park Management in the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalayan Region”...... Ev, K2 CNR, IUCN, ICIMOD, CESVI and Italian Government Flood Protection Sector Project-I..... SAMFIL and SOBEK Geoinformatics for Watershed Management in the Hindu Kush Himalayas.....ILWIS, DUFLOW, HEC-RAS, etc.

37 Thank you

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