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To quantify impact of WA emissions on global tropospheric composition, oxidising capacity, stratospheric composition and climate on seasonal & inter-annual.

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Presentation on theme: "To quantify impact of WA emissions on global tropospheric composition, oxidising capacity, stratospheric composition and climate on seasonal & inter-annual."— Presentation transcript:

1 To quantify impact of WA emissions on global tropospheric composition, oxidising capacity, stratospheric composition and climate on seasonal & inter-annual timescales To quantify role of deep convection on the chemical composition of the FT, UTLS etc….. Strategy: Global modelling - LMDz-INCA (SA), MIMOSA (SA), MOCAGE (CNRM), LOA, LA (TM4, RegCM), TM5 (KNMI), TOMCAT (UCAM) Regional modelling - BOLAM, Meso-NH, CHIMERE…. Data analysis - satellite (MOPITT, IASI, CALIPSO, MODIS), MOZAIC, ozonesondes, aircraft & balloon data (Lagrangian modelling) AMMA Chemical Modelling Activities (some of them…) CNRS-IPSL, CNRS-LA, KNMI, CNRM, UCAM, CNR, LISA

2 - Aircraft (and other) data analysis using mesoscale & global models (convection, long-range transport, lightning, surface emissions - BB, soils, vegetation, ….) - Models used to calculate budgets/fluxes - major limitation is treatment of deep convection - need to evaluate param. Schemes (led by dynamicists - AMMA MIP: AMMA Chemical Modelling On-going & Future Work O3 from LMDzINCAO3 from all aircraft N-S flights Courtesy: Bouarar, Schlager, FAAM, Yushkov, Safire, Nedelec

3 CO concentrations from LMDz-INCA (contours) and an idealized tracer over West Africa (Pham, Filiberti, Hourdin, IPSL, Paris)

4 sahara sahel guinee south South Atlantic Proposed AMMA Tracer Experiments Frederic Hourdin (CNRS/LMD), Peter van Velthoven(KNMI) Regional tracers emitted at surface and FT (1000 to 400 hPa) plus some global (SCOUT-like) tracers with  -decay/ wet. dep./strat. tracer Define some common AMMA-SCOUT tracer experiments?

5 IGBP-IGAC/WCRP-SPARC Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Project Aims to improve understanding of climate forcing from chemical/aerosol agents & their representation in models (feed into next IPCC/WMO)

6 Timeline (phase 1) March 2006 Pune, India IGBP/ WCRP SC/SSG January 2007 1st Workshop Geneva definition of activities summer 2007 Write-up publication EOS, ACPD, BAMS, ? Dec 2007-Jan 2008 Workshop Real work begins, experiments defined, Runs, verification strategies June 2008 Workshop interpreting results, writing papers 2006 200720082009 Papers submitted Most model groups will have “frozen” model configs. for IPCC/WMO August 2006 Planning Workshop Boulder selected issues & topics

7 “TroposChem” (IGAC) (tropospheric gas-phase chem) CCM-Val (SPARC) (stratospheric chemistry) AeroCom (tropospheric aerosols) Research Implementation Bodies 1.Emissions Harmonization 2.Data Center 3.AC&C Web page & “E- newsletter” WCRP-SPARC/IGBP-IGAC: AC&C 1.Composition impacts on climate 2.Climate impacts on chemistry 3.Climate impacts on surface-level ozone & aerosols (“air quality”) Unifying thematic areas Cross-cutting Activities TF HTAP GEIA Observational Data AC&C Research Activities

8 Activity 1: A 20-25 year hind-cast of tropospheric ozone and aerosols - evaluation against observations Activity 2: Evaluation of processes controlling the distribution of aerosols/gases. Step 1: Focus on 5km to tropopause (LS) Activity 3: Better representation of cloud, aerosol, and chemical interactions. Activity 4: Analyses of sensitivities and uncertainties in the future scenarios for climate models. The Phase 1 task: Modeling Study Activities

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