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April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 1 HEASARC Supported Activities at SAO Roger Brissenden.

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Presentation on theme: "April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 1 HEASARC Supported Activities at SAO Roger Brissenden."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 1 HEASARC Supported Activities at SAO Roger Brissenden

2 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 2 Outline 1.SAO/HEASARC Coordination 2.Feb 04 HUG Issues 3.Chandra Mission Status 4.HEASARC Activities at SAO 5.Chandra Data Archive (CDA) 6.CalDB 7.SAOImage ds9

3 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 3 1. SAO/HEASARC Coordination HEASARC established partnership with SAO in 1999 in order to strengthen the ties between the two groups, access expertise of both groups, maximize common approaches, and allow integration of the Chandra archive Steve Murray assumed HEASARC Associate Director role Funding for ~1.25 FTE provided to support closer ties in the areas of archive standards, CalDB and software development (e.g., DS9) Partnership has been effective with coordinated extensions to archive standards, CalDB and providing direct support for DS9 development Steve Murray stepped down as HEASARC AD Feb 2004 to concentrate on new responsibilities and Roger Brissenden assumed PI role Roger’s role as HEAD AD and CXC Manager provides an opportunity for even closer ties with the CXC, and maximizes resource leverage Effort during the present 4 years focused on full Chandra archive integration, extending CalDB, support for DS9 and VO, with an opportunity to locate the Chandra archive at SAO for the long term

4 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 4 Staff at SAO WhoSAO RoleHEASARC RoleFTE % Roger BrissendenCXC ManagerAssociate Director <5 Arnold RotsChandra Archive ScientistArchive Integration25 Dale GraessleChandra CalDB ScientistCalDB Interface25 Bill JoyeSAOImage ds9 DeveloperSAOImage ds975

5 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 5 2. Feb ‘04 HUG Issues (a) Long term plan for the Chandra Archive Plan to establish the Chandra permanent archive at SAO as part of the HEASARC included in proposal to Senior Review Approach ensures data remain co-located with expertise (b) Chandra Data Archive Plans CXC data archive formats are HEASARC/OGIP FITS compatible CXC uses the CalDB format and is working actively to extend standard

6 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 6 7 years of Operation on 23 July 2006 Cycle 7 observations on track, observing efficiency close to optimal Spacecraft and Science Instruments continue to operate well; no significant anomalies NASA funding baseline for 10 year mission; planning for 15+ Consumables not a factor in extending lifetime 3. Chandra Mission Status

7 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 7 4. HEASARC Activities at SAO Goals Presented to Senior Review 1.Full Chandra Data Archive (CDA) integration with the HEASARC to provide complete access to Chandra archive metadata through the multi- mission search and retrieval software. Allows for Chandra Archive at SAO/HEASARC long term. 2.Upgrade to CalDB and CalDB tools to allow more effective support for current and future missions. 3.SAOImage ds9 maintenance, ports and as resources allow, selected new functionality.

8 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 8 Current volume: –2.85 TB in 10.65 million files (currently growing faster during reprocessing run) –Essential data at second server at CfA Active mirror sites (public primary and secondary data products only) –LEDAS, UK (2000) –ASDC, Rome, Italy (2004) –HEASARC (2005) –IUCAA, Pune, India (2005) 5. Chandra Data Archive (CDA)

9 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 9 CDA: Holdings

10 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 10 Distributed over the course of the mission: –4751 proprietary observations Publicly available: –4079 Scientific observations –1399 Calibration observations CDA: Observations

11 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 11 CDA: Downloads

12 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 12 CDA: Downloads

13 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 13 2003: The CDA integrated in HEASARC Browse – i.e., Chandra looks like other missions at the HEASARC website 2005: The CDA mirror at HEASARC fully integrated in HEASARC Browse – i.e., Chandra data access identical to other missions at the HEASARC website CDA: HEASARC Integration

14 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 14 Comprehensive dictionary of all keywords used in Chandra data products User query interface from CDA web page Status: awaiting completion of keyword descriptions (2006) CDA Plans: FITS Dictionary

15 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 15 Complete through 2005 –6891 articles, of which 4038 refereed –6299 data–literature references: 1685 papers 2978 distinct observations –Categories: 2920Present specific observations 2949Refer to published results (including multi-wavelength, follow-up analysis, theory to explain Chandra data) 417Instrumentation, software, operations 206Predict Chandra results 329Cannot be classified User access: Chaser Dedicated CDA interface ADS CDA Plans: Bibliography

16 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 16 Available as multi-mission tool (2006) Contains: –Configurable database Mission-specific flags and lists, database links Associated literature keywords Literature – dataset links –Maintenance interface Automatic ADS mission-specific keyword search of abstract and body GUI for processing candidate papers, including categorization, flag assignment, access to paper Provided to XMM GOF CDA: Bibliography Package

17 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 17 Chandra Metrics: 13 CalDB upgrades 126 new files added –10 new codename types –~158 old files retired Current CalDB index includes 814 paired files and extensions. 6. CalDB

18 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 18 Adapting CalDB to mission-independent tool design: coord. with Mike Corcoran –Automate setting of CalDB file selection parameters (2006-7) Higher-level processing of archival data –Ensure calibration version consistency with the calibration history of input data (2007) CalDB system for new missions and software architecture –Improve data structure extensibility (2008) CalDB: HEASARC Tasks

19 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 19 Current version 4.0b9 (released today) –Supported on 9 hardware platforms Last Year –3 Incremental beta releases –over 30,000 downloads In addition to HEASARC supported missions, collaborating with ground based: –DEIMOS, GEMINI, MMT 7. SAOImage ds9

20 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 20 Catalogs –Load / Save / Filter / Sort –Supports VizieR (CDS) catalog servers Regions –Composite Regions –Templates –Instrument Field of View New Optional GUI Configurations ds9: New Features

21 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 21 New Infrastructure –Pure Tcl/Tk implementation New Windows version New MacOSX Aqua version Internationalization ds9: Current Development

22 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 22 Catalog Support Full support for loading, displaying, sorting, filtering, and saving catalogs Example shows overlays of the HST and GSC catalogs

23 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 23 Catalog Tool Interface for catalog downloads. Support includes sorting and filtering

24 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 24 Instrument Fields SAOImage ds9 now provides support for loading, displaying, and saving Instrument Field of Views FOVs for Chandra, XMM, and SAO MMT are provided

25 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 25 Optional GUI Layout Vertical layout, conserves screen space Feature turn-on/off

26 April 12 - 13, 2006 HEASARC Users Group Roger Brissenden 26 3D Slicer 3D Volume Render Bad Pixel Maps WCS Editor Image Statistics Suggestions welcome: ds9: Future Development

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