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Lab 04: AEV External Sensors Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV)

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1 Lab 04: AEV External Sensors Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV)

2 AEV Project Objective (Problem Definition) INITIAL CONCEPTS (Brainstorming) EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ANALYZE DESIGN DECISION RESEARCH COMPARE FINAL DESIGN Present AEV Design PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 (System Analysis)(Programming)

3 Wheel count sensor testing Since programming will depend on the sensors working correctly, it is vital that you confirm the sensors are working properly at the beginning of each lab. Use the reflectance test program used in this lab each week to confirm proper operation of the sensors. There is also a sensor tester at the front of the Lab which can be used to test the sensors.

4 Verifying the Sensors  To make sure the sensors are on correctly  Run the “reflectanceSensorTest();” following the procedure in the lab manual.  Make sure to set to set the serial monitor to 115200 Baud

5 Programming with the Sensors  goToRelativePosition(M); One Argument; M = number of marks Example: motorSpeed(4,27); goToRelativePosition(44);  Each wheel has 8 marks and the wheel has a circumference of 3.902 inches  Therefore: (44 marks)*(3.902/8) inches = 21.46 inches traveled Sets all motors to 27% full power Continues the last command for 44 wheel marks from the current position

6 Programming with the Sensors  goToAbsolutePosition(M); Example: motorSpeed(2,30); goToAbsolutePosition(500);  Each wheel has 8 marks and the wheel has a circumference of 3.902 inches  Therefore: (500marks)/(3.902/8) inches = 243.76 inches traveled from AEV starting position Continues the last command until the AEV accumulates 500 total wheel marks from the starting position.

7  We want to go ANOTHER 40 inches (aka 82 marks) what code do we want? motorSpeed(4,20); goToAbsolutePosition(164); OR goToRelativePosition(82); Difference Between goToAbsolutePosition and goToRelativePosition 40 Inches 80 Inches  We want to go 40 inches (aka 82 marks) what code do we want? motorSpeed(4,20); goToAbsolutePosition(82); OR goToRelativePosition(82); 0 Inches  We want to go back to start (aka 164 marks) what code do we want? motorSpeed(4,20); goToAbsolutePosition(0); OR goToRelativePosition(-164);

8 Things to Remember  Quiz 5  Executive Summary for Lab 04  Update Project Portfolio  Extra Credit Video (Due: Lab 07 (Part 1))  Start thinking about PDR (Due: Lab 09B)

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