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GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Commercial Districts’ policy experience in the Lombardy Region.

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Presentation on theme: "GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Commercial Districts’ policy experience in the Lombardy Region."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Commercial Districts’ policy experience in the Lombardy Region

2 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Goals and Strategic Context 2 COMPETITIVENESS OF TRADE ENTERPRISES URBAN REVITALIZATION Work in progress: Building and strengthening of a territorial policy, which aims at sustainability and responsibility and integrates actions of every involved subject, respecting the different roles.

3 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS The role of the regional administration 3 1. Fostering (Approving an application and co-financing it) 2. Assistance and support Setting of regional common standards and instructions as well as benchmarking operations that help the reinforcing of the new organization.

4 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Project milestones: from the start to nowadays 4  In 2007 Oct 22: Roll-out meeting for the Trade Districts concept  In 2008 Jul 24: Approval of the criteria for the Districts’ 1 st call for proposals Jul 08: Approval and publishing of Districts’ 1 st call for proposals  In 2009 May 06: Approval of the criteria for the Districts’ 2 nd call for proposals May 07: Ratification of the 1 st final list of Districts May 08: Meeting on Districts 1 st call results May 25: Approval and publishing of Districts’ 2 nd call for proposals Oct 14: Ratification of the 2 nd final list of Districts Oct 22: Seminar on Districts 2 nd call results Oct 28: Publishing of the list of the officially recognised Districts Nov 09: Districts Laboratory start-up and presentation Districts’ 3 rd call.  In 2010 Jan 30: Deadline for the Districts’ 3 rd call and International Conference

5 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS The results of the first calls for proposals 5 231 admitted municipalities totalling: about 3,8 million residents more than 64.000 trade activities (small, medium and large surface) about 6 million squared meters total sales area

6 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Financial Data 6 INVESTMENT AMOUNT In two Districts calls for proposals99,98 MILLION Euro Financial leverage

7 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Strengths of Districts 7 Integration between different municipality policies Larger partnership (in political and financial terms) Medium and Long-term vision and strategy Orientation towards dynamic development Flexibility and self-government of trade public rules Measurability of results

8 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 8 Location of City Town partecipants

9 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Partnership 9 Associations of traditional shopkeepers (obligatory sharing) ‏ Chambers of Commerce Other Local Authorities and Agencies Modern retailers and Shopping centres Other sectors’ operators and no profit actors Private sector (i.e. banks)

10 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS The Regional Decree 10397 dated 2009, Oct 28 “Detailed rules defining territorial boundaries of Commercial Districts” 10 “Commercial District” = connection between municipalities and other organizations which enables citizens, enterprises and social organizations to consider trade activities as the first factor of integration and exploitation of the territory resources, in order to improve the urban area quality and its competitiveness. Urban Commercial Districts (DUC): commercial districts developing in the territory of a single Municipality; (for each Province main town only DUC is admitted)‏ Joint Inter-Municipalities Commercial District (DiD- “Distretto diffuso di importanza intercomunale”): commercial districts including several small municipalities

11 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS The Regional Decree 10397 dated 2009, Oct 28 The Regional Decree 10397 dated 2009, Oct 28 11 - The Region creates a special list of districts divided in two parts : Urban Commercial Districts (DUC) and Joint Inter-Municipalities Commercial Districts (DiD). -The Region enters every District, which benefited from the regional co- financing tool, in the above mentioned list as well as every other subject who asks for its inclusion in the list (without a regional co-funding). -Municipalities, usually every 3 years, provide the Region with news about the endurance of the requirements that allowed the construction of the districts, the activities carried out and the achieved results.

12 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS A strategic tool 12 The regional laboratory for Districts As a supporting tool for Districts’ implementation and tangible results production.

13 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Objective 13 Encourage the construction and maintenance of a professional network for cooperation among actors A place to stimulate energy, resources and creativity of single territories, sharing a common methodology

14 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS Three guidelines of strategic intervention 14 Evaluation of collected results and performance analysis (institutional goal) Support and assist Districts’ activity and their development (procedural goal) Theoretical structuring and modelling of the policy experiences (long-term goal)

15 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 1) Shared results evaluation and performance analysis 15 Effectiveness of each district with respect to regional policies  Systematic check of performance indicators: overview of the program progress  Analysis of customer satisfaction about Districts program

16 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 16  Comparisons and competition among Districts  Strategical training  Training operative and management for managers and stakeholder of districts  Support for common services’ start-up 2) Support and assistance for the local level Districts’ implementation and development

17 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 17 Defining the policy development  Construction of patterns of analysis  Individuation of best practices  Communication  Scientific and Operative Meeting  Enact an international scientific network 3) Experience interpretation, modelling and scientific considerations on the policy

18 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 18 Operative instrument of workshop Gradual and flexible activation of many needs adaptive tools and best conditions for their introduction.

19 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 19  the “social network” of Districts Encourage network development and tight communication between actors involved of Districts Its role is central for the community of managers and stakeholders The site will be on-line for the date of interview – 21/01/2010 1) Website

20 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 20  Modeling, summary and periodical check : o Performance indicators o Structural indicators o Management indicators  Territorial analysis of satisfaction and perception about initiatives, focus group and surveys We have already conducted an investigation of the management of district 2) Monitoring of indicators

21 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 21  Periodic report and annual price for the best performances Encouraging the practice of benchmarking and pushing for positive and virtuous competition. 3) Public instruments of benchmarking

22 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 22 4) Workshops and meetings among Districts Collective and comparative education about key issues for the analysis and maintenance of districts (Models of governance, real valorization of partnership, highlights of the districts territory, focus about strategy and coherent programs, …) First meeting: 03/12/2009 Second meeting: 20/01/2010

23 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 23 DIRECT Providing the districts with credentials of education suppliers … for the creation of a lombard centre for excellence INDIRECT Educational Tour, staff exchange 2 Educational Tour of 2007 (UK, Barcelona) and 2009 (Lyon and Bilbao) 5) Educational instruments

24 GENERAL DIRECTORATE TRADE, FAIRS AND MARKETS 24 SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS AND NETWORK BETWEEN EXPERTS To encourage the theoretical modelling and classification PUBLICATIONS Diffusion of case histories in Lombardy Region, promotion of a working method chosen for dissemination of Commercial Districts issues. 6) Scientific examination


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