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Implementation of Language proficiency requirement Morocco.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of Language proficiency requirement Morocco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of Language proficiency requirement Morocco

2 plan 1.National Regulatory Framework 2.Estimate of the national level of LPR implementation for pilots and controllers 3.National LPR implementation plan 4.Maintaining English level 5.Interim Measures

3 National Regulatory Framework CAA incorporate ICAO langage proficiency requirement in national law(in course of publication), this legislation includes a minimum level LP for ab initio

4 Estimate of the national level of LPR implementation for pilots and controllers Global National Test (TNP) : pre- evaluation test to determine the English global level of ATC personel. Result : level 4 : 67% level 4 : 67% Level 5: 3% Level 5: 3%

5 National LPR implementation plan Stape :N°1 All of ATC personnel and particulary ATC who have level 3 are following an english training courses to improve their english level. Stape:N° 2 Our ANSP “ONDA” has an internal process to nominate a team of 9 ATCo to follow a training for trainers courses on the May Flower Institute”.

6 Stape:N° 3 The language proficiency training will be assured by the mentioned Instructor on 5 regional instruction centres “CRI” and also in basic training ATC school, Stape:N° 4 The CRI will be equipped by didactic material, langage laboratories, software... etc The CRI will be equipped by didactic material, langage laboratories, software... etc The DGAC is on the way of CRI accreditation specially for Language proficiency. The DGAC is on the way of CRI accreditation specially for Language proficiency. (process in course)

7 Maintaining English level Stape:N° 5 process to maintain the english proficiency rating by DGAC is in progress “100 Hour of language training each 6 months” to maintain English level 4?

8 Test ELP AIMAC / CIRs equipment Process of Maintaining English level TNP and up date global level ELP Trainig for trainers ‘ program DGAC acreditation for training program and trainer certification May 2008 Febr 2010 Juin 2008 Apr 2010 Apr 2010 June 2010 Mars 2011 incorporate ICAO langage proficiency in national law

9 Interim Measures Measures for risk mitigation : At least one member of the cockpit crew and of the ATCO team should have level 4 or more. At least one member of the cockpit crew and of the ATCO team should have level 4 or more. Our ANSP “ONDA” has to assure the English training courses to ATCo having level 3 or bellow. Our ANSP “ONDA” has to assure the English training courses to ATCo having level 3 or bellow. A new version of Phraseologies Manual has to be approved and dispached to ATCo. A new version of Phraseologies Manual has to be approved and dispached to ATCo.

10 thanks

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