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Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming COP 5570 Advanced Unix Programming Instructor: Xin Yuan.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming COP 5570 Advanced Unix Programming Instructor: Xin Yuan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming COP 5570 Advanced Unix Programming Instructor: Xin Yuan Email: Office: 168 Lov Building Phone: (850)644-9133 Office hours: 1:30pm-3:30pm TR, or by appointment

2 Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming Syllabus Standard UNIX APIs Processes and threads Socket programming Select calls Blocking and non-blocking I/O Broadcast/multicast Raw sockets Remote method invocation Client-server paradigm Peer-to-Peer paradigm

3 Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming Pre-requisites Operating systems - COP 4610 or equivalent Basic course on networks (highly desirable) – CEN 5515 or equivalent. Proficiency in C - absolute must!! –Pointers, Makefiles, Compiling, Debugging Working knowledge of Unix environment –Shell, commands, vi, emacs. A self testing quiz at the end of this class.

4 Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming Grading Programming assignments - 50% Midterm - 20% Final - 30%

5 Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming Programming assignments Individual projects First assignment next class. Typically one to two weeks per- assignment Start early! Ask questions early!

6 Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming Some Potential Programming assignments A warm-up project to be given in the next class Multi-process solution to a large computational problem –Process management, inter-process communication Implementing shell –Process management, UNIX system call API’s, signals, I/O Multi-computer solution to a large computational problem –Process management, inter-process communication, socket programming Web client/server implementation –Client server paradigm, server implementation techniques, socket programming Internet packet analyzer –TCP/IP concepts Implementing a simple communication library –Socket programming, p2p, signal or thread UNIX shell programming

7 Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming Academic Integrity –No copying from anywhere –Don’t solve assignments for others –Don’t ask others for solutions and don’t give solutions to others. –Automated (software) plagiarism detection tools will be used in this course. Dishonesty –First violation: 0 for the particular assignment/exam and the lowering of one letter (A->B) for course final grade. –Second violation: F for the second violation. –Explanations will be directed to the university Honor Court judges and will not be listened by the Instructor.

8 Florida State UniversityCOP5570 – Advanced Unix Programming Accommodation for Disabilities 1.Register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC). 2.Bring a letter to me from the SDRC `indicating you need academic accomodations. This should be done within the first week of class

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