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Articulating Vision and Mission. Strategic Management Strategies are means to ends Strategic management is the process by which these strategies are created,

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Presentation on theme: "Articulating Vision and Mission. Strategic Management Strategies are means to ends Strategic management is the process by which these strategies are created,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Articulating Vision and Mission

2 Strategic Management Strategies are means to ends Strategic management is the process by which these strategies are created, implemented and changed: –Corporate strategy – the scope of the whole business –Competitive strategies for each business area –Functional strategies which provide the competitiveness



5 MeansEnds Internal Vision: A description of the organization operating at its most effective and efficient level External Vision: A statement that describes how the world would be improved, changed, or different, if an organization is successful in achieving its purpose Business: The primary method(s) used by the organization to achieve its purpose Purpose: The ultimate result an organization is trying to achieve (Answer the question “Why does the organization exist?”)

6 MeansEnd Programs and Internal Management: A description of services and products that an organization offers, and the internal operations that support the delivery of services or products Goals: Outcome statements that define what an organization is trying to accomplish both programmatically and organizationally. Activities: The specific actions required to produce services and products Objectives: Precise, measurable, time-phased results that support the achievement of a goal

7 Vision MI: Capable and committed human resources working together for a more integrated, prosperous and harmonious GMS MRC: Economic prosperous, socially just, and environmentally sound Mekong River Basin AIS: AIS everywhere, all the time for everyone.

8 Mission Statement A succinct statement that articulates the Organization’s purpose, business, values, and beliefs Example: To contribute through human resource development and capacity building to the acceleration of sustainable economic and social development and poverty alleviation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region and promote regional cooperation and integration.

9 Examples APEX Elevator: To provide a high reliability, error- free method for moving people and products up, down, and sideways within a building Josephson Drug Co: To provide people with longer lives and higher-quality lives by applying research efforts to develop new or improved drugs and health-care products

10 Goals Internal: To attain financial sustainability as a GMS–owned institution External: To deliver high quality and relevant capacity building program promoting GMS economic and social integration.

11 Values and Beliefs The basic, guiding principles that provide guidance and inspiration to the management and staff Example: We treat everyone with respect and appreciate individual differences We expect to be measured by what we do, as well as what we say.

12 Core Strategies Broad, overall priorities or directions adopted by an organization Example: Promote cross-country network and regional policy dialogues Strengthen Local Partners in delivering core MI HRD Programs

13 How well you know your organization ? Brief History of your organization Mission Vision Goals Core Values

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