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THE MISSION STATEMENT A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of AIRN; its reason for existing. It should be concise; one or two sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MISSION STATEMENT A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of AIRN; its reason for existing. It should be concise; one or two sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE MISSION STATEMENT A Mission Statement is a statement of the purpose of AIRN; its reason for existing. It should be concise; one or two sentences.

2 THE WHY? A Mission Statement captures AIRN’s goals and the philosophies underlying them. Equally important, the mission statement sets forth what AIRN is all about to its members, employees, and the rural community which it ultimately serves.

3 THE WHATS What can be done to tailor the organization’s services to meet member needs, and their success, now and in the future? What image does our business want to convey? What are association’s services? How will they change over time? What level of service does the association actually provide? What makes our service special?

4 SAMPLE MISSION STATEMENT To assist and represent the agricultural retail (and wholesale?) supply ( and service?) industry while promoting the sound stewardship and utilization of agricultural inputs. We accomplish this objective by:  Gathering and communicating useful information for our members;  Influencing policy processes that affect the agro-inputs (retail?) industry;  Developing and fostering the communication and utilization of high standards of agronomic practices; and  Promoting and encouraging the safe and environmentally sound handling and use of quality seed, nutrient (fertilizer?) and crop protection products.

5 VISION STATEMENT Vision statement: One sentence describing the clear and inspirational long-term desired change resulting from AIRN’s work. It should: Describe the ideal future. Reflect AIRN’s mission and values. Answer the question, what impact does AIRN want to have on society? Unite AIRN in a common, coherent strategic direction. Convey a larger sense of AIRN’s purpose, so that employees see themselves as “building a Mosque” rather than just “laying the stones.”

6 Sample Vision Statement Our vision is an agricultural inputs (retail?) industry which is integrated, prosperous, competitive, and is ethically and environmentally sustainable.

7 Developing Core Values

8 Sample Value Statement Quality We promote the production, distribution, sales and use of high quality agricultural inputs. We value agriculture as an essential part of society. Inclusiveness We recognize the interdependence of all in the agro-inputs industry and strive to consider all viewpoints in our activities. We value diversity in serving all populations. Leadership & Collaboration We work in partnership with a broad range of organizations and initiatives to strengthen our strategic impact. Ethics We practice high ethical business standards. Environmental responsibility We respect and protect the environment. We are committed to strategies and policies that support and advance a sustainable environment.

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