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BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. BAE Systems C2C SWAT Project - WF32 Shield.

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1 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. BAE Systems C2C SWAT Project - WF32 Shield V2.0 Only Test and Diagnostics Sep 2015

2 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. The Test and Diagnostics tutorial will verify that you have correctly setup your Blackbox and that you can establish a connection to the SWAT Controller. 2 Scope

3 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Set Up Insert the SD Card into your computer and open the SD Card Library. Open the folder “Test and Diagnostics” and run the file titled “setup”. 3 Note:Running the “setup” file updates the “SWAT_pin.cfg” and “SWATctrl.cfg” files in the SD Card Library, using the files from the “Test and Diagnostics” folder.

4 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 1 Eject the SD Card from your computer and insert the SD Card into the WF32 board. 4 WF32 Board SD Card

5 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Attach the battery connector to the motor shield terminal J1. It is recommended to use a splitter cable to enable the battery to provide power to the shield and the ESC. 5 Splitter Cable To Motor Shield Terminal J1 Motor Shield Note:“J1” is written next to the terminal on the motor shield Test and Diagnostics > Step 2

6 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 3 On the WF32 board, ensure that jumper J15 is in the external (EXT) position to receive power from the battery. 6 Note:The UART position on jumper J15 is used when the WF32 board is connected to your computer WF32 Board EXT UART J15

7 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Physically attach the WF32 board underneath the motor shield using the connecting pins. 7 Test and Diagnostics > Step 4 Note:Be careful not to bend any of the connecting pins. Motor Shield WF32

8 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 5 Attach the motor shield, using the splitter cable, to the battery, to power up the board. 8 Splitter Cable To Battery To Splitter Cable Battery Note:The battery is always the last component to connect.

9 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Attach the power plug from the Splitter to the motor shield J1. Attach the ESC connector to 27 (Note Brown/Black pin towards GND) 9 Test and Diagnostics > Step 6 Note: The following should be illuminated. LED D37 (11V Indicator) LED D36 (5V Indicator)

10 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 7 Once the battery is connected, you should see various lights turn on (LD3, LD4, LD5 and LD6), on the WF32, indicating the battery is connected. 10 WF32 Board LD3, LD4, LD5 and LD6

11 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 8 Turn on your Wi-Fi unit and connect your computer to this. Open the “SWAT Controller” on your computer (previously installed). 11 SWAT Controller

12 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 9 Once the “SWAT Controller” has established a connection to the WF32, the connection status will be shown by a green dot (previously red). 12 WF32 connection

13 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 10 The “SWAT Controller” will then show the Wi-Fi strength and the battery power percentage that is being used. 13 Wi-Fi strength Power Percentage

14 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 11 The input displays will now be tested. 14 Input displays Note:The “Fakesen2” is only a display test and does not correlate to any data.

15 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 12 On the WF32, press Button 3 (BTN3). As Button 3 is pressed, the display for “Button 3” on the “SWAT Controller” will be shown as “ON”. 15 WF32 Board Button 3 (BTN3) Button 3: ON

16 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 13 On the WF32, turn up and down (rotate) the potentiometer. As done, the “Trimpot” will display the values, ranging from 0% to 100%. 16 Trimpot: Potentiometer WF32 Board Potentiometer

17 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Test and Diagnostics > Step 14 Once testing is complete, disconnect the battery first from the splitter cable. 17 Note:The battery is always the first component to connect. Splitter Cable From Battery From Splitter Cable Battery

18 BAE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY – Internal Use Only Unpublished Work Copyright 2014 BAE Systems. All rights reserved. Next Module Please continue to Tutorial 1, ESC and Servo.pptx 18

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