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0 Maria Eulália Ribeiro Cordeiro CANTIC - Portugal TeleAula: New ways of Schooling for Hospitalized Students.

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Presentation on theme: "0 Maria Eulália Ribeiro Cordeiro CANTIC - Portugal TeleAula: New ways of Schooling for Hospitalized Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 Maria Eulália Ribeiro Cordeiro CANTIC - Portugal TeleAula: New ways of Schooling for Hospitalized Students

2 1 (Centre of Assessment in Information and Communication Technology) Centro de Avaliação em Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação

3 2 Is a resources centre

4 3 The Lisbon Regional Education Directorate GEOGRAPHICAL AREA

5 4 (kindergarten - university / working life) Our Universe Students with sever motor disability Students with sever chronic diseases

6 5 Enable students with severe motor disabilities or with severe diseases to succeed in regular schools Global AIMS of CANTIC Evaluation of students motor capabilities to identify the most adequate technological aids Support the work of teachers Adapt technical aids to the needs of this students

7 6 To link the students that are hospitalised with a regular school in the hospital geographical area (reference schools) Our Approach TeleAula To link the students at home to his own school classes (original schools )

8 7 They have a lonely life and are not integrated in society The disease becomes the centre of his life and interrupts his life projects TeleAula Student with S.E.N.

9 8 TeleAula Advantages of Inclusive Schooling Access to the National curriculum Enables interaction with group of colleagues

10 9 Enable interactivity even at a distance Enable different communications ways: –Audio –Video –Sharing documents –Transfer information (text, image….etc) Motivator of students and teachers Telemultimedia Systems TeleAula

11 10 HospitalsSchoolsHomeSchool level ― 1paediatric ― 1 oncologic ― 2 general ― 1 rehabilitation ―9 reference schools ―14 original schools 144th y – 2 5th y – 2 7th y – 1 9th y – 2 11th y – 4 12th y – 3 1998- 2003 TeleAula

12 11 - Cardiopathology2 - Muscular Dystrophy2 - Leukaemia4 - Sherman disease (rheumatism)1 - Imperfect Ostheogenesis1 - Vertebromedular trauma2 - Cröhn disease1 - Dermatitis1 Home Students Pathologies TeleAula

13 12 Technologies of Distance Communication TeleAula 1 PC (Pentium III…)+ 1 printer 1 videoconference card (PictureTel 550 or Videomeeting PC) 1 ISDN access 1 camera (webcam type)

14 13 Reference School  Model centered in the dynamics of school  Model centered in the classes activities TeleAula Adapted Methodologies

15 14  Model centered in the classes activities Original School TeleAula Adapted Methodologies

16 15 Improvement of success at school and in the use of technology Improvement of socialization, with positive impacts in the family TeleAula Project Results Improvement of the tecnical resourses (elimination the bugs) Very expensive technologies and communication Low knowledge of some teachers in the use of technical resources Limiting Factors

17 16

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