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Improvements in Microwave and Sub-mm Frontend Technology for Use up to 900GHz Radiometer Physics GmbH (RPG), Germany Harald Czekala RPG Thomas RoseRPG.

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Presentation on theme: "Improvements in Microwave and Sub-mm Frontend Technology for Use up to 900GHz Radiometer Physics GmbH (RPG), Germany Harald Czekala RPG Thomas RoseRPG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improvements in Microwave and Sub-mm Frontend Technology for Use up to 900GHz Radiometer Physics GmbH (RPG), Germany Harald Czekala RPG Thomas RoseRPG AchimWalber RPG Hugh GibsonRPG Oleg CojocariACST Byron AldermanSTFC RAL

2 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-112 RPG Company Profile Microwave, sub-mm, THz Turn-key radiometers, space technology components, design, scientific expertise ■ 4 decades experience ■ 40 employees ■ Radiometers (space) ■ Frontends/Receivers ■ Lab equipment / VNA ■ Components up to THz ■ Design+Manufacturing

3 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-113 Outline: Receiver and Frontend technology at RPG ■Direct detection (MMIC) for frequencies up to 120 GHz (LNA noise performance superior to heterodyne receivers) ■Auto-calibration receivers up to 200 GHz (noise injection + magnetic Dicke switching) ■At 118 GHz and up: sub-harmonic mixers (planar structures) ■Improvements in mixer and multiplier designs through close cooperation with Schottky diode suppliers ■Results of cooperation with Schottky technology suppliers ■Schottky technology from ACST (Germany) ■Schottky technology from RAL (UK) ■Subharmonic mixers at 424 GHz and 664 GHz ■InGaAS mixers with reduction of LO power by 10 dB

4 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-114 Direct Detection ■Direct detection systems up to 110 GHz (since 8 years now…) ■LNA mostly based on MMIC supply from IAF Freiburg, Germany ■At 118 / 150 / 183 GHz and above, sub-harmonic mixers still have better performance (at least with high-quality sub-harmonic mixers) ■Waveguide filters with high stability and narrow bandwidth (0.25 %) Splitter and Filter Section Boosters and Detectors Video Amps, MUX, 16 Bit ADC 55 dB Pre-Amplifier Noise Injection Coupler 51- 59 GHz 7 Channel Filterbank Receiver Corrugated Feedhorn Compared to heterodyne systems: □Improved noise figure □Decreased long term stability (larger 1/f noise with InP MMICs) □Much better RFI protection □Compact (integrated) design □No planar filters, all waveguide Tsys (with horn, noise-inject., isolator) 20 – 30 GHz280 K (NF: 2.9) 50 – 60 GHz550 K (NF: 4.6) 90 GHz700 K (NF: 5.3)

5 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-115 Direct Detection: MMIC mounting Mounting of all amplifier types Experience in micromachining Bonding and soldering to space standards

6 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-116 Auto-Calibration Receivers  Allan Variance Stability: 4.000 s  Less dependent on external calibration targets (LN2)! Noise injection calibration up to 200 GHz –7.000 K signal at 183 GHz with stable noise diode (15 dB ENR) Magnetically switched isolators: Dicke switching up to 150 GHz with low insertion loss (<=1.0 dB) –Fast switching with low currents (small thermal effects, 100 mA, 0.5 V)

7 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-117 Achieved System Noise Temperatures: (incl. noise injection coupler, Dicke switch, isolator) 90 GHz: 750 K 150 GHz: 1200 K Allan Variance up to 4000 s Full internal calibration Isolation > 30 dB Insertion loss @ 90 GHz: 0.7 dB Insertion loss @ 150 GHz: 1.0 dB Auto-calibration receivers 90+150 GHz systems

8 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-118 Heterodyne receiver at 183 GHz with 6 channel Filterbank Channel centers in IF: 0.6, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 5.0, 7.5 GHz Noise injection for calibration Tsys=1200 K for complete radiometer Tsys=380 to 450 K for mixer Schottky mixer diode by ACST (Germany) Auto-calibration receivers 183 GHz system Similar System on HAMP (HALO Microwave Package) for HALO research aircraft Dome-C, Antarctica 3.300m asl, -25 to -80 °C Close to South-Pole

9 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-119 Schottky Mixer and Multiplier Improvements Planar technology Discrete Schottky devices Semi-integrated and full integrated structures Two collaborations: ■ STFC/RAL, UK ■ ACST, Germany Mandatory improvements for 800 to 1000 GHz circuit mountings: Reduced C j0 Reduced C str Smaller size Air-bridge Mesa with anode Anode pillar (contact pad) Cathode pillar (contact pad) Back-side ohmic Membrane- substrate Air-bridges Mesas Protection pillars (contact pads) Back-side ohmic Membrane- substrate 25μm 50μm Quasi-vertical (QVD) single Diode (SD) Anti-parallel (APD) diode RAL Diode ACST Diode

10 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1110 Vector Network Analyzer Products OEM Network Analyzer Frequency Extenders for Rohde & Schwarz 50 – 75 GHz 60 – 90 GHz 75 – 110 GHz 90 – 140 GHz 110 – 170 GHz 140 – 220 GHz 220 – 325 GHz 325 – 500 GHz 500 – 750 GHz …

11 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1111 Tx/Rx Products Transmit / Receive Systems: 90 GHz, 183 GHz, 220 GHz, 324 GHz, 502 GHz, 640 GHz, 870 GHz for compact ranges (antenna measurement facilities, phase + amplitude)

12 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1112 RPG sub-harmonic mixers Art.-No. RF Range [GHz] DSB-Noise Temperature Conversion Gain (DSB) IF-Band- width Required LO Power Waveguide LO RF SHM118104-132500 K-5 dB> 16GHz6 dBmWR15WR8 SHM137110-165500 K-6 dB> 20 GHz4-7 dBmWR12WR6.5 SHM150134-167450 K-6 dB> 16 GHz2 dBmWR12WR6.5 SHM183167-200 430 K -4 / -5 dB> 16 GHz4 dBmWR10WR5.1 SHM220185-230500 K-6 dB> 18 GHz4-7 dBmWR10WR5.1 SHM280265-295700 K-7 dB> 18 GHz4-7 dBmWR6.5WR3.4 SHM300275-330900 K-7 dB> 18 GHz4-7 dBmWR6.5WR3.4 SHM340310-3601000 K-6 / -7 dB> 16 GHz4-7 dBmWR6.5WR2.8 SHM424400-4401100 K-7/ -8 dB> 16 GHz7 dBmWR4.3WR2.2 SHM664644-6801600 K-8 dB> 16 GHz4-7 dBmWR3.4WR1.5

13 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1113 Receiver technology – 183 GHz example Best 183 GHz receivers available Built in larger numbers Noise-injection calibration @183 (RPG only manufacturer world wide) All ALMA water vapor radiometers equipped with RPG mixers and feeds 183 GHz feeds and sub-harmonic mixers for ALMA-WVR

14 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1114 RPG sub-harmonic mixers Art.-No. RF Range [GHz] DSB-Noise Temperature Conversion Gain (DSB) IF-Band- width Required LO Power Waveguide LO RF SHM118104-132500 K-5 dB> 16GHz6 dBmWR15WR8 SHM137110-165500 K-6 dB> 20 GHz4-7 dBmWR12WR6.5 SHM150134-167450 K-6 dB> 16 GHz2 dBmWR12WR6.5 SHM183167-200430 K-4 / -5 dB> 16 GHz4 dBmWR10WR5.1 SHM220185-230500 K-6 dB> 18 GHz4-7 dBmWR10WR5.1 SHM280265-295700 K-7 dB> 18 GHz4-7 dBmWR6.5WR3.4 SHM300275-330900 K-7 dB> 18 GHz4-7 dBmWR6.5WR3.4 SHM340310-3601000 K-6 / -7 dB> 16 GHz4-7 dBmWR6.5WR2.8 SHM424400-440 1100 K -7/ -8 dB> 16 GHz7 dBmWR4.3WR2.2 SHM664644-680 1600 K -8 dB> 16 GHz4-7 dBmWR3.4WR1.5

15 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1115 RPG Sub-Harmonic Mixer: 424 GHz Tsys=1800 K Tmix=800 to 1200 K Conversion= –7 dB LO Power: 5 mW

16 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1116 Sub-Harmonic Mixer: 664 GHz LO Power: 3 mW Conversion: –7.5 to –9.5 dB Tmix ≈ 1600 K

17 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1117 Further Schottky Diode Optimization: InGaAs Only at ACST: InGaAs Diode InGaAs built-in voltage (barrier height) significantly lower than GaAs (0.2eV compared to 0.8eV) Reduced LO power required for SHM at 183 GHz: 0.34 mW (10 dB less!) 183 GHz InGaAs mixer with 0.2 / 0.25 / 0.34 mW LO-power 183 GHz InGaAsGaAs Tmix700 K500 K 430 K Conv. Loss –6.6 dB–5.5 dB –4.2 dB LO Power 0.34 mW3.0 mW 2.2 mW

18 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1118 Frontends and sub-systems for Space Space qualified local oscillators (Herschel / ESA): 8 local oscillator chains from 480 GHz to 1100 GHz Other space projects: EOS (NASA), ODIN (SSA), FIRST/HIFI, MARFEQ, SAPHIR (CNES), MLS (NASA), FY-3 (China), …

19 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1119 Space Products 2 Space qualified front ends: 183 GHz (4 channels) for sensitive water vapour detection 90 GHz dual polarized receiver 150 GHz dual polarized receiver

20 Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop ESTEC, 2010-05-1120 Direct detection with superior performance (over heterodyne) up to 120 GHz (until better MMIC technology becomes available) Auto-calibration schemes pushed to higher frequencies: –Noise injection up to 200 GHz –Magnetically switched isolators for high isolation, low loss (up to 150 GHz) Development of improved sub-harmonic mixer series from 150 to 800 GHz Further steps: Substrate Transfer Film Diode Technology Continuing reduction of capacities and size For further information: Conclusion / Summary

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