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40 Questions to EOC Mastery. What is the difference between 3rd person omniscient and 3rd person limited narration?  Omniscient knows all  Limited knows.

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Presentation on theme: "40 Questions to EOC Mastery. What is the difference between 3rd person omniscient and 3rd person limited narration?  Omniscient knows all  Limited knows."— Presentation transcript:

1 40 Questions to EOC Mastery

2 What is the difference between 3rd person omniscient and 3rd person limited narration?  Omniscient knows all  Limited knows only one

3 What is context, and how do we use it to determine the meaning of an unknown word?  Context includes prior knowledge based on words around the unknown word.  You use those words to guess at the new one.

4 What is another term for mood? What is the mood of a work?  Atmosphere  The way a reader is made to feel by the story

5 Give five synonyms for sad. What is the difference between sad and ….?  Depressed, blue, gloomy, melancholy, upset, down, etc

6 What is the difference between an implication and a fact?  Implication based on assumption  Fact can be proven

7 What does it mean when a question asks you to improve clarity and conciseness?  Make it more clear and shorter

8 What is an analogy? Give an example and explain.  Comparison between relationships  Man : boy :: woman : girl - age relationship

9 Give an example of informative writing. Give an example of persuasive writing.  Informative – newspaper, encyclopedia  Persuasive – magazine ad, commercial

10 Give an example of writing that is done to entertain.  Play script, novel, short story

11 What is the difference between structured poetry and blank verse?  The structure of blank verse is iambic pentameter.  FREE verse, on the other hand, has no set structure

12 What types of internet sites are not suitable for research?  Blogs, wikipedia, social networking sites, etc

13 What is wrong with this sentence? I bought the car even though it was on sale.  I bought the car BECAUSE it was on sale.

14 What is a simile? Give an example.  Comparison using like or as  Stewart will never be as cool as Ms. Purvis. (Oh, snap!)

15 What is a metaphor? Give an example.  Comparison between two unlike things  Nick is the Paris Hilton of seventh period (because he talks too much.)

16 Give an example of alliteration.  Sally sells seashells by the seashore.

17 Give an example of repetition.  I think I can; I think I can; I think I can.

18 Give three examples of onomatopoeia.  Slap, pow, boom

19 Give an example of personification.  The trees danced in the wind.

20 What is foreshadowing or foreboding?  Hints about what will happen later in the story

21 What is irony? Give an example and explain why it is ironic.  Difference between expectation and actuality  “rain on your wedding day”? (NO, that’s coincidental!)

22 What is imagery?  Language appealing to the five senses

23 What is Venn diagram used for?  Similarities and differences

24 What is a T chart used for?  Pros/cons, side by side details

25 In an advertisement for a bicycle, what type of graphic would be helpful?  Picture of the bike

26 Who would most likely sponsor an article about deer hunting in North Carolina?  Hunters (or PETA)

27 Give three examples of common pronouns. What is an antecedent? Give an example.  He, it, they, you  The noun that the pronoun replaces  Josh (antecedent) sits on the side, and he (pronoun) talks a lot of jive.

28 When are apostrophes used? How are they used? When are they never used?  Possession and contraction  Behind -s if word needs –s for plural, in front if it doesn’t  Its, yours, whose, etc

29 For what is a colon used? For what is a semicolon used?  Time, lists with “the following”  Separate two related independent clauses; separate items in a complicated list

30 What are three situations in which comma usage is required?  Separate independent clauses (with a conjunction)  Separate beginning/introductory clauses  Separate nonessential information

31 What words get capitalized?  I, beginning of sentences, proper nouns

32 Is a lot ever one word?  NO! (hint: is it one word in the question? NO!)

33 Use affect in a sentence. Use effect in a sentence.  The EOC will affect my grade.  Talaisha’s snoring after the EOC will have an effect on the other test takers.

34 Which titles get underlined or italicized?  Things that are published by themselves  i.e. book, newspaper, magazine, CD

35 Which titles are placed in quotes?  Things that are published within something else  i.e. short story, poem, song, article

36 Do periods and commas go inside or outside of quotation marks?  inside

37 Do question marks and exclamation points go inside or outside of quotation marks?  If the quotation is a question/exclamation – inside!  If the sentence is a question/exclamation but the quotation is not – outside!

38 Introduce a quote with a comma. Introduce the same quote with a colon.  Katie said, “I love staplers.”  Katie said the following: “I love staplers.”

39 What is a run-on sentence? In what situation does a semicolon fix a run-on sentence?  Two sentences without punctuation to separate them.  Put the semicolon between the two thoughts.

40 What is a tense shift? How can a tense shift be identified?  Shifting from past to present, future to present, etc.  Verb endings

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