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State of the project. Retzhof Castle. Austria – Styria - Leitring RETZHOF CASTLE.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the project. Retzhof Castle. Austria – Styria - Leitring RETZHOF CASTLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the project. Retzhof Castle. Austria – Styria - Leitring RETZHOF CASTLE

2 What we have done  Got a very good feedback from the NA after the Internim Report  Contacted the designer for our itinerary  Interviewed Anita Herzog as a woman, who established a small rural buisness  We collected points for our itinerary of our surrounding area  Collected dissemination-plans of all partners and prepared a presentation RETZHOF CASTLE

3 Intineraries 1.Educational Itinerary (Educational/ historical places around Retzhof) 2.Culinaric Itinerary (Organisations/ places which are in permanent contact with the Retzhof Kitchen) 3.Points of interest for tourists (look-outs, bicycle routes, cognitive paths, nature trails) RETZHOF CASTLE

4 Name of the itinerary point Is this point suitable for people with disabilities? Which languages could they offer? Contact (name, adress, tel) Information about this point, logo, distance Design on the map

5 Draft for historical itineary RETZHOF CASTLE

6 Collecting ideas for culinaric itinerary RETZHOF CASTLE product Contact (name, adress, tel) What could you see there as a tourist

7 Event: History of South Styria at Retzhof Castle "100 Jahre Lager Wagna - Ortsgeschichte hautnah" 100 years of the refugee camp in Wagna – history of locality RETZHOF CASTLE  Background information about the refugee camp and its development  Reminiscents telling their memories from the war

8 History of South Styria at Retzhof Castle Next events will be: RETZHOF CASTLE  8th of October: Styria at the First World War  5th of November: The year of crisis 1934 in South Styria

9 After the meeting in England we will continue with  A Meeting with our designer (How we could the design the map, what we have to consider, what is possible etc.)  After we have finally choosen all points for our itinerary we will contact them and plan a meeting where we will tell about the project and the idea of our itinerary RETZHOF CASTLE

10 After the meeting in England we will continue with  We need to evaluate the length of all routes  We need to decide which information we put on the map, how the legend will look like  Organisation of an event/ talk for unemployed people and for all who are interested in green jobs/ activities around Retzhof RETZHOF CASTLE

11 Thank you for your attention!

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