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 What is a vision statement?  How is it drawn up?  What are the benefits?

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Presentation on theme: " What is a vision statement?  How is it drawn up?  What are the benefits?"— Presentation transcript:

1  What is a vision statement?  How is it drawn up?  What are the benefits?

2  Consult and discuss  Collect and tabulate  Present and prioritise  Refine  Draft  Publish

3  What do you hope the children will have achieved by the time they leave this school? AcademicAesthetic PhysicalCultural MoralSocial EmotionalPersonal SpiritualOther

4 1. What do you think this school should offer to provide an ideal learning environment for the children? 2. How do you think you can help us to make this possible?

5 Children in 2 nd class are asked to complete the following sentence  I learn best when... Children are asked to make a list of  Things I would like to have learned by the time I leave 2 nd class

6  SDP Day

7  Arrive at a consensus statement  Express vision in the form of an aspiration to which all members of the school community can relate

8  Circulate to all parties for final approval  Publish

9 Vision Our vision is that all children and all staff realise their full potential in a safe, happy, stimulating and Christian environment.

10  Moral compass/clear direction  Clarity and unity of purpose  Inspires and energises  Shared values and beliefs  Touchstone  Avoidance/management of conflict  Nurtures individual and collective responsibility

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