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Algorithmic, Game-theoretic and Logical Foundations

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1 Algorithmic, Game-theoretic and Logical Foundations
Computer Science & Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno CS483/683 - AI Programming Multi-Agent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-theoretic and Logical Foundations Lecture 1: Introduction to Multi-Agent Systems 19 January 2010 Instructor: Kostas Bekris

2 What are multi-agent systems
Very vague definition: A system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents Multiple? Intelligent Agent? Interacting?

3 Intelligent Agents How can we fully describe an AI problem?

4 Multiple Interacting Agents

5 Forms of Interaction Treat other agents similarly to the environment:
Sensing and observing the behavior of other agents Acting upon other agents Aspects of interaction in the field of multi-agent systems: Reason about the decision-making process of other agents Communication Respect predefined “social laws” and protocols of interaction how can a team of agents make fair decisions (e.g., voting schemes)

6 Multi-Agent System Cooperative Agents (optimize a common utility)
Agent Relations Multi-Agent System Cooperative Agents (optimize a common utility) Non-cooperative Agents (separate utilities) Coalitional Agents (e.g. opposing teams of agents) Competing Agents (e.g., opposing utilities) Agents with diverging interests

7 Types of Problems Agent Design Mechanism Design
How to design an agent that collaborates with other agents to solve a common task? How to design an agent that competes with other agents so as to be the winner? How to design an agent that operates efficiently in an environment where multiple other agents operate with divergent interests? Mechanism Design How to design the entire system so that a common utility function is optimized even when each agent is “strategic” (i.e., aims to optimize its own utility?)

8 Topics of Research in MAS
Agent-oriented Software Engineering Beliefs, Desired and Intentions (BDI) Cooperation and Coordination Organization Communication Negotiation Distributed Problem Solving Multi-Agent Learning Scientific Communities Dependability and Fault-Tolerance

9 Example Applications Autonomous Physical Devices
Multi-robot teams Coordinated Defense / Space Exploration Systems Sensor Networks Transportation and Traffic Simulation Environments Computer Games Scientific Simulation Networking, Mobile Technologies and the Internet Automatic and Dynamic Load Balancing Self-healing networks Financial / Economics problems Pricing, accounting and logistics Bidding mechanisms, negotiations, e-commerce, electricity/energy markets

10 Why do we need MAS? Ubiquity Fault-tolerance
Send sensors and robots everywhere Fault-tolerance Make many small, cheap devices, instead of one large, expensive one If a single device fails, the system may continue operating The real world is a huge Multi-Agent System We might have to simulate real-world MAS Or we might desire to exercise some control over them For fun Computer games and games in general For profit You have to compete to succeed And you have to understand the underlying MAS to be a good competitor

11 Objections to MAS Isn’t it all just Distributed Systems / Networking?
Systems can be self-interested Isn’t is all just Artificial Intelligence? Communication and social aspects were typically ignored in classical AI Isn’t it all just Economics / Game Theory? We must also come with algorithmic solutions to game theoretic problems Not all assumptions in Game Theory are always true (e.g., “perfect market”) Isn’t it all Social Science? Artificial societies do not have to be built exactly like human and biological societies

12 Class Overview Intro to Multi-Agent Systems Distributed Path Planning
Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Distributed Constraint Optimization Belief Propagation ADOPT Auctions Coordination through Social Laws and protocols 2 a d 1 1 2 s t 1 1 3 3 b c 2 {red, blue, green} {red, blue, green} {red, blue, green}

13 Proposal Presentation
Class Overview Games in Normal Form Two-player, zero-sum games General-sum games Nash equilibria and strategies Games in Extensive Form Perfect-Information Games Imperfect Information Behavioral Strategies Richer representations of games Bayesian games Communication and Signaling games Multi-agent Resource Allocation Auctions Husband Wife Lethal Weapon Wondrous Love 2, 1 0, 0 1, 2 Early March: Proposal Presentation and Report Late April: Final Presentation

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