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Back To School Night Honors Chemistry Chemistry Amy Clark-Grubb.

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Presentation on theme: "Back To School Night Honors Chemistry Chemistry Amy Clark-Grubb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back To School Night Honors Chemistry Chemistry Amy Clark-Grubb

2  Bachelor’s degree Chemistry Education  Master’s degree in Education  Currently teaching honors chemistry and chemistry

3 Unit #Unit TopicMonths Intro Physical Science Chemistry Review Lab Safety Aug/Sept 1Skills & MeasurementSept 2Ionic BondingOct 3Covalent BondingOct/Nov 8Nuclear Reactions Nov/Dec then MIDTERM after winter break 4Chemical ReactionJan 5AChemical QuantitiesFeb 5BChemical QuantitiesMarch 6StoichiometryApril 7Gases May then FINALS

4 Grading 50%: tests, projects, large labs 25%: quizzes, labs, small projects 25%: homework, classwork, miscellaneous

5 Class Schedule  Check & Go Over Homework or quick quiz  Smart Notes, Classwork, and/or Lab  Homework when applicable  Cleanup of room on lab days  Writing short answer questions

6 Absences  They should check with a classmate and teacher to get the missed work.  Check website for current materials  Anything that was due should be handed into me.  They need to schedule Quiz and Test make-ups in a timely manner.

7 Homework  Given 2-3 nights a week.  Most of the time they will be able to start their homework in class.  Students will know test dates well in advance and often will receive study guides or review.

8 Websites and Addresses 



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