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Pennsylvania Department of Education January 2010.

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1 Pennsylvania Department of Education January 2010

2 Much research has been conducted as to what makes a great school. There are many intangible components. However, research supports the notion that great schools and school systems tend to have six common elements: Clear Standards Fair Assessments Curriculum Framework Instruction Materials and Resources Interventions 2

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6 Assessment in Pennsylvania Defined: Summative Formative Benchmark DIAGNOSTIC- RFP……

7 New PDE Website Design





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13 Curriculum Framework: Big Ideas: – Declarative statements that describe concepts that transcend grade levels. – Essential to provide focus on specific content for all students. Concepts: – Describe what students should know, key knowledge, as a result of this instruction, specific to grade level. Competencies: – Describe what students should be able to do, key skills, as a result of this instruction, specific to grade level.

14 SAS Mathematics

15 Mathematics Grade 8- Pre-Algebra Strand Big Idea- – Numbers, measures, expressions, equations and inequalities can represent mathematical situations and structures in many equivalent forms. – The set of real numbers has infinite subsets including the sets of whole numbers, integers, rational and irrational numbers. – Patterns exhibit relationships that can be extended, described and generalized.

16 Mathematics Grade 8- Pre-Algebra Strand Concepts Rate of change Polygons and Polyhedra Distance, Pythagorean Theorem Representations Linear functions Linear equations and inequalities

17 Mathematics Grade 8- Pre-Algebra Strand

18 Essential Questions How does understanding of equivalent forms of numbers help us to differentiate between rational and irrational numbers? How and when can the Pythagorean Theorem help us to calculate the length of a segment without directly measuring it? Within polygons and polyhedra, how can we use angle relationships to solve mathematical problems? How can you use a scale for your graph so that I best represents a situation? How can we choose a sale so that the chosen scale distorts the data or misleads the reader?

19 Vocabulary Absolute Value: A number’s distance from zero on a number line. The absolute value of 2 is equal to the absolute value of -2. Box-and-Whisker Plot: A graphic method for showing a summary of data using median, quartiles and extremes of data. Combination: A subset of the elements in a given set, without regard to the order in which those elements are arranged. Compound Event: An event that consists of two or more simple events; for example: A or B; A and. B and C. Composite Number: Any positive integer exactly divisible by one or more positive integers other than itself and 1.

20 Exemplar

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23 Materials and Resources Materials and Resources including units and lesson plans aligned to the standards with embedded content resources. Learning Progressions to identify the steps in learning within a content area at each grade level.

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26 Clear & Consistent Boundaries High Expectations Meaningful Student Engagement Connectiveness & Bonding Skills for Life Unconditional Support Strong Results for Students To Realize:

27 HIGH EXPECTATIONS  To what extent do students believe that any positive goal/ aspiration can be accomplished?  To what extent do students encourage themselves and others to do the best possible?  To what extent is the curriculum supplemented with art, music, outdoor exploration and projects?

28 MEANINGFUL STUDENT ENGAGEMENT  To what extent do students believe that their voice and choice is heard in classroom/school discussions?  To what extent are students empowered on decision- making?

29 CONNECTIVENESS & BONDING  To what extent do students connect to at least one of the caring adults in the school?  To what extent are students involved in school activities?  To what extent are there caring relationships among staff?

30 SKILLS FOR LIFE  To what extent do students receive ongoing instruction on life-skills appropriate to their developmental level?  To what extent have students integrated and practiced assertiveness, refusal skills, healthy conflict resolution, good decision making and problem solving, and healthy stress management?

31 CLEAR & CONSISTENT BOUNDARIES  To what extent do students understand and abide by policies and rules?  To what extent do teachers accept no excuses for letting students fail?  To what extent is discipline designed to keep students feeling connected?

32 UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT  To what extent do students feel that the school is a caring place?  To what extent do students experience school/ classroom as a community?  To what extent are students recognized and rewarded, and their work displayed?

33 The goal has never changed….it’s still about student learning!

34 Contact Information Regina C. S. Palubinsky, Ed. D. Special Assistant to the Secretary PDE, 10 th Floor 717 425-5959

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