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A. Bartholomew GEOG 788 Winter 2014 Lidar Project Flood Plain Modeling in New Orleans Data References 1. Impact of Lidar Nominal Post-spacing on DEM Accuracy.

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Presentation on theme: "A. Bartholomew GEOG 788 Winter 2014 Lidar Project Flood Plain Modeling in New Orleans Data References 1. Impact of Lidar Nominal Post-spacing on DEM Accuracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Bartholomew GEOG 788 Winter 2014 Lidar Project Flood Plain Modeling in New Orleans Data References 1. Impact of Lidar Nominal Post-spacing on DEM Accuracy and Flood Zone Delineation Inundation of New Orleans, authored by George T. Raber, John R. Jensen, Michael E. Hodgson, Jason A. Tullis, Bruce A. Davis, and Judith 2. Topography-based Analysis of Hurricane Katrina, authored by Dean Gesch 3. EFFECTS OF LIDAR DEM RESOLUTION IN FLOOD MODELLING: A MODEL SENTITIVITY STUDY FOR THE CITY OF TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS, authored by Alemseged Tamiru Hailea and T.H.M. Rientjesb 4. HYDRODYNAMIC FLOODPLAIN MODELING BASED ON HIGH-RESOLUTION LIDAR MEASUREMENTS, authored by SEBASTIAN RATH and ERIK PASCHE Methods 1. Locate data; USGS Click and NOAA Data Viewer 2. Created LAS Datasets 3. LAS Tools to classify data, Ground, Height, Classify 4. Filter LAS Datasets, last return to identify ground points 5. LAS dataset to raster tool, create a DEM of the area 6. Raster to TIN, to create TINs of each dataset 7. Surface Difference tool get find the surface volume change in the two Tins 2002 vs. 2009 data sets. Objectives I want to investigate how the infrastructure of this area has changed post Katrina to make the area less vulnerable to flooding and sea level rise. One major problem is that much of the United States Gulf Coast region sets at or below current sea level elevations. Thus variations over time in sea level rise will have the greatest impact in areas along the Gulf Coast. This project is important because I plan to identify the major infrastructure locations including damns, dikes, and levee systems both within and around New Orleans that are designed to keep residents of New Orleans safe. Project Introduction The Northern New Orleans area, boarder with Lake Pontchartrain is the focal point of my project. In 2009 the city of New Orleans and surround areas have constructed new levees infrastructure improvements designed to provide additional protection from flooding. I chose this area because New Orleans is the most heavily populated metropolitan area along the Gulf Coast. Also, this region has experienced significant infrastructure component improvements post hurricane Katrina. I want to investigate what effects will the newly constructed levee infrastructure components have within the study area. The focus of my project will be to investigate how the infrastructure of this area has changed post Katrina to make the area less vulnerable to flooding. Results and Discussion The newly constructed levee has provided significant positive infrastructure changes within in the surrounding areas of New Orleans. The DEM differences show where elevation of the land area has been raised post Katina reconstruction. As part of a future works project, I would analyze several other newly constructed levels within the New Orleans surrounding area to see if these new infrastructure changes have the same land cover change affects. Results and Discussion The newly constructed levee has provided significant positive infrastructure changes within in the surrounding areas of New Orleans. The DEM differences show where elevation of the land area has been raised post Katina reconstruction. As part of a future works project, I would analyze several other newly constructed levels within the New Orleans surrounding area to see if these new infrastructure changes have the same land cover change affects. 2002 Image via Google Earth2009 Image via Google Earth No Levee Construction 2002 TIN Surface Difference 2009 TIN Surface Difference Data Sources 1. Coastal Lidar: 2. Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer: 3. USGS Click:

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