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Federated Spatial Databases and Interoperability.

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Presentation on theme: "Federated Spatial Databases and Interoperability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federated Spatial Databases and Interoperability

2 Introduction The Concepts of Federated Database and Interoperability The heterogeneous Spatial Data Federated Spatial databases

3 Introduction Common method: US Spatial Data Transfer Standard(SDTS) Chinese National Geo-spatial Data Transfer Format (CNSDTF) Spatial Data Common Transfer Standard Spatial Data

4 Introduction Spatial data transfer standards characters: Integrality( 完整性 ) Simplicity( 簡單性 ) Compatibility( 一致性 ) Extensibility( 延展性 ) 缺點: 其中只有同類的 data 可以互相處理 所以用『 federated database systems 』解決

5 The Concepts of Federated Database and Interoperability 要整合數個獨立的系統有兩個特性: Heterogeneity( 異質性 ) Autonomy( 自主性 ) 分成兩種相互作用的形式: Cooperation Coordination Application1Application2Application1Application2 Common DataStoreDataStore1DataStore2

6 The Concepts of Federated Database and Interoperability Interoperability types: Platform interoperability Basic interoperability Versioning interoperability Language interoperability Semantic interoperability

7 The heterogeneous Spatial Data Vector Remote sensing DEM Rectangular grid(or elevation matrix) TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) Image

8 Federated Spatial databases Integration of Spatial Data re-enginneer database 通常將不同來源的 data 整合到另一個新的 database 中 但是要結合三種異質的資料型態很不容易

9 OPENGIS 提供了 COM(interface Component Object Model) 的架構 COM 可以將不同 software 的 component 組 合成一個 integrated application COM 特性: 定一個共同標準讓 component 間可共同操作 Programming language-independent 可以建立在各種 platforms 上 可提供 components 各種需要的功能 可擴展性

10 A base interface providing: 動態顯示 components 的實做情形 提供 components 計算他們的 lifetime 以及適 當時刪除 components 每個 components 及他的 interface 都具唯一 性 有一個 component loader 主導及管理 components 間的交談

11 Data Model GeoDatabase Geometry GeoOracleGeoDb2 GeoGeostar GeoArcInfo Oracle Database Db2 Database ArcInfo Database Vector Db Image Db DEM Db Geostar Database

12 Gepmetry Object Model It is a base interface It derives from IUnknown interface, which is a special interface of COM. IUnknown IGeometry IPoint IListString IPolygon IGeometryCollection IMultiPoint IMultiPolygon IMultiString

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