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Getting the Most Out of Senior Phase Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher St. Joseph’s Academy, Kilmarnock March 21, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting the Most Out of Senior Phase Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher St. Joseph’s Academy, Kilmarnock March 21, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting the Most Out of Senior Phase Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher St. Joseph’s Academy, Kilmarnock March 21, 2014

2 I love S6! It’s pure Maths and Physics and some Geography…I want to study Aeronautical Engineering at Glasgow and be an engineer in the Navy. Everyone else in my family is a beautician or hairdresser which is totally not me. My Scottish Baccalaureate project is ‘Educating the Engineering Workforce - why it is worth it.’ Abbie, S6

3 What’s Different? Enterprise, employability & business partnerships College links IDL Partnerships and support Pupil voice and leadership Range and type of learning experiences Experience of transition to SP

4 I am most proud of cooking for Sir Peter Housden in S4 and working with the cook school. It also means a lot that I won the British U-16 weightlifting championships three years running. School is much more enjoyable in S5. With more responsibility I feel more trusted and respected so I can do more. Ryan, S5

5 What’s Working? IDL through English, HE, Biology and Creative Arts Links to businesses and supportive partners Greater range of options Personal support & mentoring Transition Sharing learning Growing flexibility & using data (e.g. SIMD) Emphasis on values and mental health

6 I’ve learnt to take the lead in a group; I’ve learnt how to cope with all the little things that people overlook, the emailing, the organisation, the pressure, the decision- making, the general management of my own work. The project helps bridge the gap between school life and adult life. In my opinion every 6th year should be given a project like this. You meet some amazing people: people that see the best in you and actually care. I went to University confident and I could tackle my Uni work differently from others in my class could and I think this was a massive benefit. I am currently in second year studying 3D: Computer Animation at Glasgow Caledonian University. Scott

7 Pathways One and two year courses Employability and enterprise routes College routes Support for these routes by specialist staff

8 ‘At St. Joseph’s I have met lots of inspiring people, both teachers and pupils, and this spurs me on to want to make full use of my skills in life. I have had lots of opportunities to speak out at events which has boosted my confidence.’ Mahrukh, S6

9 What next? Developing transition experience in S3 Extending employer and enterprise links Wider range of courses for less able More IDL for most able University links REACH & YASS Sustainability of courses

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