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Today’s Checklist Quick quiz – Terminology The Power of One Canadian news Social justice and charity – The Village Just – For Fun.

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3 Today’s Checklist Quick quiz – Terminology The Power of One Canadian news Social justice and charity – The Village Just – For Fun

4 Quick quiz Distributive justice E All of the social conditions that allow us to reach our fulfillment more fully and more easily Justice C The use of courts and legal systems to decide between the conflicts arising from abuses against justice Golden rule D The virtue that gives each person his or her due in the distribution of goods Judicial justice B To let agape love interact with justice Common good A The equitable and fair distribution of the goods of society Rights F Those things in society to which we are entitled

5 Social justice and charity Read “The Village” What is the difference between social justice and charity?

6 Charity or social justice?

7 CharityJustice Scriptural reference: Good Samaritan Story The Gospel story does not attempt to survey the causes of highway banditry. The Samaritan provides temporary and immediate relief. Scriptural reference: Exodus Story Moses does not ask for food and medicine for the Jewish slave-labor force. He challenges the institutional system. Message: "Let My People Go." Private, individual actsPublic, collective actions Responds to immediate needResponds to long-term need Provides direct service: food, clothing, shelter Promotes social change in institutions Requires repeated actionsResolves structural injustice Directed at the effects of injustice: symptoms Directed at the root causes of social injustice

8 What it is to give There is a difference between charity and justice One is not more important than the other K'naan But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. – Matthew 6:3

9 Justice vs. injustice In your group, generate at least five examples of situations ◦ in which justice is displayed ◦ in which it is lacking

10 Just – For Fun Each team will send a representative to the front A scenario will be presented Person in the “hot seat” must ◦ Determine whether or not the scenario demonstrates justice ◦ Which principle of social justice relates to the sceanrio

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