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Unit 8 Healthy Adulthood. Chapter 28 Stressors of Adulthood.

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1 Unit 8 Healthy Adulthood

2 Chapter 28 Stressors of Adulthood

3 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.3 Chapter Objectives 1.Describe the process of maturation 2.Define a life event and give examples of different life events 3.Identify ways to investigate career options 4.Describe characteristics that contribute to marital longevity (continues)

4 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.4 Chapter Objectives (continued) 5.Identify the six stages of the family life cycle 6.Identify typical stressors that occur during the various stages of life 7.Explain the aging process

5 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.5 Introduction Adulthood brings independence but also stressors and challenges Adulthood consists of stages: young, middle, and older Each stage of life has both responsibilities and stressors

6 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.6 Adolescence It is a period of rapid change Involves preparation for adulthood Maturation: process of growing older and accepting more responsibility Parents or other adults usually available to help with problems

7 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.7 Major Life Events Associated with Maturation Leaving home Making educational choices Developing adult relationships Choosing an occupation Progressing at work Developing a financial plan Making decisions about marriage and a family Caring for aging parents Planning for retirement Confronting health issues Growing older Facing death

8 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.8 Young Adulthood Many new roles and responsibilities Ages 20–35 Career stressors Financial stressors Relationship and family stressors

9 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.9 Family Life Cycle The family life cycle has six stages 1.Between families 2.Marriage – newly married couple 3.Family with young children 4.Family with adolescents 5.Beginning the empty nest 6.Family in old age

10 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.10 Middle Adulthood Question accomplishments (social clock) Begins in the late 30s to early 40s Career stressors Financial stressors Relationship and family stressors Childrearing

11 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.11 Common Marital Challenges Unrealistic expectations Poor communication skills Work and career issues Financial difficulties Problems with in-laws Infidelity

12 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.12 Older Adulthood Aging has physical, mental, emotional, and social effects Elderly population is growing rapidly Career stressors Financial stressors Relationship and family stressors Health stressors

13 © Copyright 2005 Delmar Learning, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.13 Summary Adolescence is a time for maturation and preparation for adulthood Adulthood consists of different stages, each with its set of stressors Understanding the life cycle can help teens prepare to have a happy, healthy adulthood

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