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Globalization Canada & the World. Analyze how globalization has affected Canada and Canadians since 1980.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization Canada & the World. Analyze how globalization has affected Canada and Canadians since 1980."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization Canada & the World

2 Analyze how globalization has affected Canada and Canadians since 1980

3 Political Aspect Somalia 1992-1995: Canada sent the Canadian Airborne Regiment. A tragic scandal erupted when 3 members tortured & killed a Somali teenagers. The Airborne was withdrawn & later disbanded Rwanda 1994-1995: the international force of 500 peacekeepers was led by Canadian General Roméo Dallaire Peacekeeper/makers Persian Gulf 1991: Canada sent 3 ships, 800 military personnel, & a squadron of CF-18 fighter jets Balkans 1991-1995: Canada sent 2400 military personnel & 45 civilian police officers. CF-18s contributed to the NATO action. We participated in landmine clearing

4 Terrorism Political Aspect Quebec 1970: Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) kidnapped a British diplomat & a Quebec cabinet minister. The cabinet minister was killed Vancouver 1985: a bomb planted in Vancouver on an Air India flight exploded off the coast of Ireland killing 329. Sikh extremists claimed responsibility

5 Economic Globalization

6 Economic Aspect

7 Economic Globalization

8 Cultural Globalization

9 Environment Deforestation Ozone-layer deteriorations (Montreal Protocol) Global warming more icebergs, rising sea level, melting glaciers, warmer temperatures, permafrost melting, higher avg. water temp… Inuit face changes to their environment & way of life due to increased temperatures Seals are disappearing (due to freezing & thawing) Polar bears may become endangered Canada & the U.S. cooperate to monitor and limit pollution

10 Canada & the World


12 Since January 2004, Canada has: Launched the Canada Corps to work in Ukraine Led the International Mission for Iraqi Elections Commanded the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan and the multinational force in Haiti Negotiated a new Security and Prosperity Partnership with our Counterparts in North America Pursued trade, science & technology agreements with India, Japan & Korea Shown leadership in combating HIV/AIDS in the developing world Encouraged debt relief for the poorest countries

13 International Organizations




17 G-8 History

18 G-8 Members

19 G-8 Canadian Involvement

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