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Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 1Spring Quarter Samples from Team Working Agreements Design Process – Mockups.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 1Spring Quarter Samples from Team Working Agreements Design Process – Mockups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 1Spring Quarter Samples from Team Working Agreements Design Process – Mockups and Prototypes Individual Team Review by Faculty Week 2 Day 3

2 Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 2Spring Quarter Team Working Agreement - Samples Outline: Organization, Communications, Decision Making, Conflict Management, Group Reflection Group meetings are used to discuss ideas and collect the work done by individuals, not for members to do their own work. At any point in time someone may call a pulse check – Discuss tension and say how you feel Each team member will be responsible for placing his/her work in the team notebook upon completion

3 Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 3Spring Quarter Team Working Agreement - Samples Listen to others when they are speaking. On two to two decisions, a coin flip will decide the outcome. If one knows that he/she cannot finish a task on time, let the group know within a reasonable time – not at midnight the night before something is due Remember that this is not life or death. Have a good time. Majority wins: If you are absent your vote does not count.

4 Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 4Spring Quarter Team Working Agreement - Samples Open door policy (Be able to provide a working environment for the team at your house.) Projects and tasks will be distributed as they are introduced and according to the type of task. As the Quarter progresses, distribution will be changed to best suit the group’s strengths and weaknesses. Conflict management – the disagreeing party’s idea will be put to use as a back up plan. Responsibility for leading meetings and taking notes will rotate.

5 Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 5Spring Quarter Team Working Agreement - Samples A clear agenda should exist for each meeting Every member is responsible for the team’s progress and success All team members will be responsible for keeping the other team members informed of their progress and responsibilities. This agreement is considered a working document and is subject to modification at any time.

6 Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 6Spring Quarter Models - Mockups and Prototypes Presentation developed by David Hawn, currently a Junior in Mechanical Engineering. David was in FEH 2000-2001, and a member of the team with the fastest robot. Time – 15-25 minutes depending on questions Assignment for the day – Build a mockup and ‘drive’ it around the robot course

7 Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 7Spring Quarter Team Review by Faculty Meet with each team (5 – 8 minutes) Hand back and discuss the Brainstorming, Sketches and Strategy Check on the organization of the project notebook Check on the development of the project schedule (due Monday) Answer questions

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