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MAN UP BIBLE SERIES How to be a Godly Father Lesson Three.

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Presentation on theme: "MAN UP BIBLE SERIES How to be a Godly Father Lesson Three."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAN UP BIBLE SERIES How to be a Godly Father Lesson Three

2 The Real World Being a father is one of the greatest responsibilities we have as men. I can remember so very clearly the birth of each of my four children. I also have the great privilege of being a grandfather to eight grandchildren. There is nothing more important to me than my family. I am sure all dads reading this feel the same way. As I enter this next phase of life I can look back over the years with great satisfaction as I see my children grow as parents and the loving way they care for their families. It is something that only other dads can understand and experience. The reality is that being a dad is not as blissful as we would like it to be. Very rarely is it anything like the perfect families we see on TV today. Being a dad is hard work! It takes Discipline to be a Godly Dad!

3 The Real Word Ephesians 6:4 : “Fathers do not provoke your children to anger; INSTEAD, Bring them up in the training and instruction OF THE LORD.”

4 Real Talk What is your best memory of your dad? What is your best moment as a father? What are the characteristics of a Godly Father?

5 Real Steps In Ephesians 6:4 we see the following DO NOTS of Fatherhood : Criticism – We can destroy our children with our critical spirits. Controlling - We do this to protect but it destroys our children’s ability to cope. Irritability – Do not bring your bad days at work home to your children. Inconsistency – Do not make promises that you cannot keep. Favoritism – Treat all your kids with the same love and rules. In Ephesians 6:4 we see the following DO’S of Fatherhood: Tenderness – We are never more strong then when we are tender and caring. Discipline - This is not only a mom’s job. We need to train our children. Instruction – Family Devotions are a must. Taking them to worship is a must.

6 Time to Close As we close this lesson I am sure there is nothing new that I am sharing today. I wanted to remind you of the great responsibility and privilege we have as Fathers. If you are not a dad you are an uncle or cousin to someone who needs a good role model. Kids today are lacking in the things that build good character. Things cannot replace love and time with them. They need to be with you! They need undivided attention from you. They will not remember the promotion you got; they will remember all the times you were not there for them. Do not miss the precious moments that come only once and then are gone. Also do not beat yourself up for what you missed. Today is a new day. Commit yourself today to being there for your family. Live in the present and forget the past. It is time to MAN UP!

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