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The Math of Chemistry Matter- Anything that has mass and takes up space.

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Presentation on theme: "The Math of Chemistry Matter- Anything that has mass and takes up space."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Math of Chemistry Matter- Anything that has mass and takes up space

2 Metric Vs. English Units English Units Based on Divisions of 8 or 12 Based on Divisions of 8 or 12 Have multiple units for the same measurement Have multiple units for the same measurement Length Length Weight or mass Weight or mass Volume Volume Speed Speed Metric Units Based on division of 10 Based on division of 10 Have one unit with prefixes for the same measurement Have one unit with prefixes for the same measurement Length Length Weight or mass Weight or mass Volume Volume Speed Speed

3 Mass Vs. Weight Mass Mass the amount of matter in a substance the amount of matter in a substance Weight Weight the measurement of the gravitational pull on a substance the measurement of the gravitational pull on a substance

4 Metric Units in Chemistry Quantity Unit Name Unit Symbol LengthMeterm MassKilogramkg TimeSeconds Electric Current AmpA Temperature Kelvin or Celsius K or °C Amt of substance Molemol

5 Metric Units in Chemistry PrefixSymbolMeansNumberForm TeraTTrillion1,000,000,000,000 10 12 GigaGBillion1,000,000,000 10 9 MegaMMillion1,000,000 10 6 KilokThousand1,000 10 3 HectohHundred100 10 2 DekadaTen1010 DecidTenth0.1 10 -1 CenticHundredth0.01 10 -2 MillimThousandth0.001 10 -3 MicroµMillionth0.000001 10 -6 NanonBillionth0.000000001 10 -9 PicoPTrillionth0.000000000001 10 -12

6 Converting Between Units You need to determine the units converting from and to and their conversion factors You need to determine the units converting from and to and their conversion factors Ask yourself “Is the unit I am converting from bigger or smaller than the one I am converting to?” Ask yourself “Is the unit I am converting from bigger or smaller than the one I am converting to?” If it is bigger, you will need to multiply by conversion factor If it is bigger, you will need to multiply by conversion factor If it is smaller you will need to divide by conversion factor If it is smaller you will need to divide by conversion factor Example 1.1 pg 9 Example 1.1 pg 9 On Your Own pg 10 On Your Own pg 10

7 Precision and Accuracy Precision agreement between two or more measurements. Can you reproduce your data in such a way that you come up with the same or very close to the same answer You need to be very careful when conducting experiments to be able to replicate your data Accuracy How close to the correct answer is your data? Does your data match what others have determined to be the correct answer You need to be very careful when conducting experiments to be able to come up with the same data (or within an acceptable margin of error) as others


9 Significant Digits A digit within a number is significant if: A digit within a number is significant if: It is non-Zero It is non-Zero If it is a Zero it is between 2 non-zero numbers If it is a Zero it is between 2 non-zero numbers If it is a Zero and at the end of a number and a decimal follows it If it is a Zero and at the end of a number and a decimal follows it If it is a Zero and at the end of a number and to the right of the decimal If it is a Zero and at the end of a number and to the right of the decimal All other zeros not mentioned here are place holders All other zeros not mentioned here are place holders

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