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September 23, 2005 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County Washington Program Funding.

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1 September 23, 2005 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County Washington Program Funding

2 The Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Was established in 1990 Mission: To protect and enhance public health and environmental quality in King County by helping citizens, businesses and government reduce the threat posed by the use, storage and disposal of hazardous materials.

3 Program Partners 37 Suburban Cities in King County King County Water & Land Resources Public Health - Seattle & King County Seattle Public Utilities King County Solid Waste

4 Vital Statistics Household hazardous waste education and collection services for over 1.7 million residents Information, technical and field assistance, financial incentives and many other programs for approximately 60,000 conditionally exempt small quantity generators. In 2004: –almost $11.6 million to operate the Program –67 (full time equivalent) employees

5 The Local Hazardous Waste Management Program is funded primarily by fees established by the King County Board of Health 80 % of fee-based revenue comes from Solid Waste Fees –On solid waste accounts –On waste self-hauled to transfer stations & landfills 20% of fee-based revenue comes from Sewer Fees –On wastewater treatment facilities Other revenue sources include: –State grant funding (Coordinated Prevention Grant) –Interest on Fund Balance

6 Local Hazardous Waste Fees (As set by the Seattle and King County Boards of Health in 1991) Solid Waste Fees Residential solid waste fee (per account)$0.60/month Commercial solid waste fee (per account)$5.25/month Transfer station fees – Passenger licensed vehicles$1.00/visit Transfer station fees – Non-passenger licensed vehicles$2.61/ton Sewer Fee * $17.51/million gallons treated * Estimated monthly residential equivalent$ 0.17/month

7 Residential fees  Services for Residents Non-residential fees  Services for businesses and other SQGs

8 2003 Revenues Including Local Hazardous Waste Fund Reserves - $11,456,146

9 Local Hazardous Waste Budgets and Expenditures $12,562,688 $12,519,878 $11,534,994 $11,456,147 $11,597,554

10 Funding Options Considered Types of Fees Eco Fee Flat fee per ton of solid waste Fee per unit (per household or business) Property tax Status Quo Evaluation Criteria Legal? Ease of fee collection Ease of administration Ratepayer equity Verifiability Feasibility Stability

11 Local Hazardous Waste Fee Increase To Take Effect January 1, 2006 $0.34/month$0.32/month $0.25/month$0.17/month *Estimated monthly residential equivalent $33.92/million gallons $32.40/million gallons $25.31/million gallons $17.51/million gallons Sewer Fee* $3.50/ton $2.61/ton Transfer station fees (Non-passenger vehicles) $1.34/visit $1.00/visit Transfer station fees (Passenger licensed vehicles) $9.07/month$6.77/month$5.25/month Commercial solid waste fee (per account) $0.80/month $0.60/month Residential solid waste fee (per account) 2007 2006 19951991Solid Waste Fees Approved

12 Things that Helped Survey Data Work with Internal Stakeholders Work with External Stakeholders Being prepared with detailed performance and financial data


14 For More Information About our program visit our web site at About our new fees visit Contact: –Liz Tennant, Policy Analyst - or 206-284-7974 –Ken Armstrong, Program Administrator - or 206 352-8163 –Yinka Otusanya, Fund Manager - or 206 296-7620.

15 Q uestions?

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