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1 Electronic Circuits AMPLIFIERS. 2 Demostrate Transistor Amplification Determine Transistor Biasing. Explain Transistor Regions - Emitter, Base, Collector.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Electronic Circuits AMPLIFIERS. 2 Demostrate Transistor Amplification Determine Transistor Biasing. Explain Transistor Regions - Emitter, Base, Collector."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Electronic Circuits AMPLIFIERS

2 2 Demostrate Transistor Amplification Determine Transistor Biasing. Explain Transistor Regions - Emitter, Base, Collector. Explore Transistors as Switches Objectives Electronic Circuits

3 3 Amplifier Out In Gain = In Out Electronic Circuits

4 4 N P N The collector is lightly doped. C The base is thin and is lightly doped. B The emitter is heavily doped. E NPN Transistor Structure Electronic Circuits

5 5 The C-B junction is reverse biased. N P N NPN Transistor Bias C B E No current flows. Electronic Circuits

6 6 The B-E junction is forward biased. N P N NPN Transistor Bias C B E Current flows. Electronic Circuits

7 7 When both junctions are biased.... N P N NPN Transistor Bias C B E Current flows everywhere. Most of the emitter carriers diffuse through the thin base region since they are attracted by the collector. Note that I B is smaller than I E or I C. ICIC IBIB IEIE Electronic Circuits

8 8 N P N C B E Although I B is smaller it controls I E and I C. ICIC IBIB IEIE Note: when the switch opens, all currents go to zero. Gain is something small controlling something large (I B is small). Electronic Circuits

9 9 Amplifier Out In Gain = In Out Electronic Circuits

10 10 The C-B junction is reverse biased. N P N NPN Transistor Bias C B E No current flows. Electronic Circuits

11 11 The B-E junction is forward biased. N P N NPN Transistor Bias C B E Current flows. Electronic Circuits

12 12 When both junctions are biased.... N P N NPN Transistor Bias C B E Current flows everywhere. Most of the emitter carriers diffuse through the thin base region since they are attracted by the collector. Note that I B is smaller than I E or I C. ICIC IBIB IEIE Electronic Circuits

13 13 N P N C B E Although I B is smaller it controls I E and I C. ICIC IBIB IEIE Note: when the switch opens, all currents go to zero. Gain is something small controlling something large (I B is small). Electronic Circuits

14 14 Transistor Structure and Bias Quiz The heaviest doping is found in the ___________ region. emitter The thinnest of all three regions is called the ____________. base The collector-base junction is ___________ biased. reverse The base-emitter junction is ____________ biased. forward The majority of the emitter carriers flow to the ___________. collector Electronic Circuits

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