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Historically Black Colleges and Universities Learning is Fun By: Chris Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "Historically Black Colleges and Universities Learning is Fun By: Chris Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historically Black Colleges and Universities Learning is Fun By: Chris Washington

2 Morris Is Where I’m Going I picked Morris Brown College to get a education. When I’m there I will study politics to be the President of the United States.

3 Morris Brown College My college is Morris Brown College. It was established on October 15,1885. It was established by a Bishop of African Methodist Episcopal(AME) church.

4 Atlanta Atlanta is where my school is located. My uncle went to Morris when he lived in Atlanta.

5 President Of Morris The current President of Morris Brown College is Dr. Stanley J. Pritchett Sr. He played football for the Philadelphia Eagles, Chicago Bears, and Atlanta Falcons.

6 Entrance To enter Morris you need these requirements. You need an complete application, high school transcript, SAT and CAT scores, recommendation letter, an essay, birth certificate, social security card, and a $30 administration fee.

7 Alumni's This a picture of Tommy Hart. He was a linebacker for the San Francisco 49ers. This is a picture of Ezra Johnson. He is a retired football player for the Green Bay Packers and Indianapolis Colts. This is a picture of Donte Curry. He played for the DERTRIOT LIONS, Carolina Panthers, and Atlanta Falcons. This is a picture of Billy Nicks. He is the coach for the Prairie View A&M University Panthers. This is a picture of James Alan McPherson. He is a famous author who wrote “Wrestling Angels in Song.

8 Curriculum Hey mostly teach kids how to be entrepreneurs in global and technologically.

9 Basketball In their season they won 8 and lost 20. To me that’s a little pathetic.

10 Tuition If you want to stay on campus it’s a lot of money. You have to pay $2,100.

11 Extra They have a lot of extra curricular activities. Some of them are basketball, dance, royal court, jazz, drama, choir, and media as extra credit.

12 Enrollment At Morris there are 204 students at Morris Brown College.

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