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1 Amy has 10 stickers. She has 3 star stickers and the rest are hearts. How many heart stickers does she have? 2 Is 9 closer to 5 or 10? Is 15 closer to.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Amy has 10 stickers. She has 3 star stickers and the rest are hearts. How many heart stickers does she have? 2 Is 9 closer to 5 or 10? Is 15 closer to."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Amy has 10 stickers. She has 3 star stickers and the rest are hearts. How many heart stickers does she have? 2 Is 9 closer to 5 or 10? Is 15 closer to 0 or 20? 3 Blake has 3 baseball games this week and 2 games next week. How many games will he play? 4 I have one box of 10 popsicles and one box of 5 popsicles. How many do I have? 5 How many nickels are equal to 1 quarter? 6 8 dogs sit on the floor. 2 dogs leave. How many are left? 7 Continue the pattern. 2, 4, 6, __, __, 12 8 What is the season? 9 Beth has 6 balloons. 3 of the balloons popped. How many balloons are left? 10 Tasha is in 4 th grade. Her sister is 3 grades behind. What grade is Tasha’s sister in? 11 I am number that is larger than 5 and smaller than 8. What number could I be? 12 Name four things that you do in the afternoon. 13 Noah’s birthday is on the second Tuesday of April. When is his birthday? 14 Name this shape. 15 Emma has 4 bowls. She has 2 fish. How many more bowls than fish does she have? 16 Write the numbers 1 – 30. 17 Daniel brought home 5 peaches. His brother ate 2 of them. How many are left? 18 Draw house using 4 squares and 3 circles. 19 Continue the pattern. 1, 3, 5, ___, ___ 20 6 + 4 = __ + 6 1 + __= 9 + 1 21 Which month comes after April? 22 Kim has 10 cousins. Four of her cousins are girls. How many are boys? 23 Which number is 10 more than 10? 24 Add 3 + 1 = 4 + 2 = 25 Draw a rhombus. 26 Which number is one more than 12? 27 Count by 10s to 100. 28 Count the number of letters in the name Statham Elementary. 29 There are 3 brown rabbits and 2 white rabbits. How many rabbits are there in all? 30 Draw a shape that has 4 sides that are equal. Name this shape. April 2011 Kindergarten Math Calendar

2 1 3 + 4= ___- 5 8 – 3 = 4 + ___ 5 + 8 = 17 - ___ 4 + 1 = ___ + 2 2 What day of the week is April 18 th ? 3 Ben has 60 cents in his pocket. What coins could he have? 4 What number has 4 tens and 8 ones? What number has 8 tens and 0 ones? 5.Write 4 equations that have 10 as the answer. 6 12 girls were singing. 10 more joined them. How many girls are singing? 7 Heidi has 8 oranges. She gave ½ of her oranges to Meschel. How many oranges does each girl have? 8 2 inches of rain fell last night. 1 inch has fallen today. How many inches has it rained? 9 Draw a shape that has 6 sides. 10 Write the fact family for these numbers. 4, 8, 12 11 Order from greatest to least 3, 86, 11, 100, 2 12 Josh is 4 years younger than his brother Nick. Nick is 12 years old. How old is Josh? 13 Subtract 25 – 15 = 48 – 24 = 69 – 45 = 14 Name two things that come in pairs 15 Count by 2’s to 20. Count by 10s to 100. 16 Draw a picture using 2 triangles, 1 circle, and 4 squares. 17 Paul has 4 cats, 10 cows, 3 sheep, and 2 dogs on his farm. How many animals are on his farm? 18 I have 8 hats. 4 hats are red, 1 hat is blue and 3 hats are white. What fraction of my hats are red? 19 Daniel’s party is the on April 21 st. What day of the week is his party? 20 Haley has 4 pink shirts, 2 red shirts and 1 white shirt in her drawer. What color shirt is she most likely to pull from her drawer? 21 If Tony has 8 quarters and spends fifty cents on a drink. How much money does he have left? 22 I have fifty cents less than Mark. Mark has $2.00. How much money do I have? 23 Name 3 things that are spheres. Name two things that are cones. Name one thing that is a rectangular prism. 24 The answer is 10. What is the problem? 25 100 + 100= 26 How many tens are in the number 345? 27 Add 6 + 4 + 8 = 5 + 7 + 2 = 28 Complete the pattern 10, __, 30, __,40, ___ 29 Name the shape that has five corners and five sides. 30 Eli has 3 quarters and 1 nickel. He wants to buy an airplane that costs $1.00. Does he have enough money? SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday April 2011 1 st Grade Math Calendar

3 1 Derek’s birthday is on the third Wednesday of April. What is the date? 2 Four men went fishing. Each man caught 3 fish. What was the total number of fish caught? 3 Mary goes to art class at 4:30. The class lasts for 1 hour. What time is it over? 4 Subtract 321 – 90 = 74 – 28 = 843 – 307 = 5 True or False A triangle has 3 vertices. 6 Subtract 13 – 10 = 28 – 19 = 62 – 54 = 7 Would it be more likely to be 90 degrees or 40 degrees on a summer day? 8 Which number is 300 more than 640? 9 Draw the line of symmetry. 10 Order these numbers from greatest to least. 23, 856, 563, 865 11 Which coins could combine to make 43 cents? 12 Maria has 4 bowls of candy. Each bowl has 5 pieces of candy. How many pieces of candy does she have? 13 It is half past midnight. What is the time? 14 13 – 5=___+4 19 -5 = __ + 7 7 + 9 = __ + 11 15 What fraction of the set are triangles? 16 Draw a shape that has four sides. Name your shape. 17 Which of these weighs about one pound? Paper clip, dog, or small plant 18 Write the number that has 5 hundreds, 4 tens and 8 ones. 19 Brad has a yard that is 10 yards long and 10 yards wide. What is the perimeter of Brad’s yard? 20 Helen has a ten dollar bill. Hamburgers cost $1.00 each. How many hamburgers can she buy? 21 Keith has 3 dollar bills, 4 dimes, and 8 pennies. Does he have enough money to buy the $5.00 kite? 22 Kassidy has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 beds in his room, how many beds do Kassidy’s brothers own? 23 Create a pattern that has an ABC pattern. 24 Complete the pattern 12, ___, 8, ___,4 25 100 + 100 + 100= 26 Which is larger? Centimeter or inch Yard or foot 27 Chris has 10 cupcakes. Half of the cupcakes of chocolate. How many are chocolate? 28 The answer is 15. What is the problem? 29 Scott read 3 AR books. He earned 5 points, 3 points and 12 points. How many points did he earn in all? 30 Add 231 + 213= 837 + 207 = 23 + 98 = SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday April 2011 2nd Grade Math Calendar

4 1 Multiply 12 x 6 = 11 x 9 = 8 x 7 = 5 x 20 = 2 Fill in the blank. 3 x 7 = 14 +___ 3 + 9 = 2 x ___ 8 + 8 = __x___ 3 M r. Bryan is cooking a 20 lb. turkey. The turkey must bake about 20 minutes for each pound. How long does the turkey need to bake? 4 Jim is building a fence around his yard. His yard measures 15 yards wide and 20 yards long. How much fencing does he need? 5 Mr. Ham has $10.00 to buy as many packs of batteries as he can. 1 pack of batteries costs $2.59. About how much will he spend? 6 Draw a picture that is ¾ stars and ¼ circles. 7 I have 86 cents. I have more nickels than pennies. I have more quarters than nickels. How many coins do I have? 8 Four people share 12 pieces of candy. What fraction of the candy did each person get? 9 Josh’s room is 12 feet by 12 feet. He is having tile put on the floor. Each tile is 1 square foot. How many tiles does he need? 10 Write the number. Four thousand, five hundred and fifty-four. 11 Add 123.43 +85.29 12 Multiply 20 x 54 = 10 x 40 = 8 x 30 = 13 Draw the line of symmetry 14 What is the base of a square pyramid? 15 How many minutes are in ¼ of an hour? 16 Divide 21 ÷ 3 = 45 ÷ 5 = 72 ÷ 9 = 17 What are the factors of 24? 18 O.64 = 43 = 0.___ 100 19 How many faces does this cube have? 20 Which is greater? ½ or ¾ 1/3 or 1/8 21 Kayla played tennis for 90 minutes. How many hours did she play? 22 Write the number that has 4 hundreds, 3 ones, and 8 tens. 23 Jo has 3 dogs that weigh 20 lbs. each. All together how much do Jo’s dog weigh? 24 Draw two lines that intersect. 25 24 + 31 +6= 26 Subtract 234 – 75 = 1,270 – 599= 27 Draw a set of parallel lines 28 In the number 43,290 what does the 3 represent? 29 Delayne wants to buy a notebook for $2.56 and a pen for $1.29. She has $5.00. Does she have enough money? 30 Jan swam for 20 minutes on Monday and 34 minutes on Wednesday. Did she swim more or less than an hour? SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday April 2011 3 rd Grade Math Calendar

5 1 How much time passes between 8:15am and 3:45 pm? 2 Round to the nearest hundred and add. 1,328 + 789= 1,888 + 219 = 3 You can burn 210 calories riding a bike for an hour. If you ride for 2 ½ hours, how many calories will you burn? 4 I have 45 cents. If I have nine coins, what are they? If I have five coins, what are they? 5 The last day of spring break is April 11 th. Spring break lasts 5 days. On what day did it begin? 6 What is the area and perimeter of this rectangle? 7 in. 4 in 7 In New York City, a total of 6,000 live on every ¼ square mile. How many people live on each square mile? 8 Estimate Henry has 18 pieces of candy. He gave 10 pieces to Jill. About how many pieces does he have left? 9 Write the equivalent decimal. 43 100 22 100 10 Are these figures congruent or similar? 11 Write a fraction equal to 0.50 0.75 12 What are two fractions equal to 2/3? 13 Divide 144 ÷ 3 = 125 ÷ 5 = 14 If a baby robin eats 84 worms that are 2 inches long in a day, how many feet of worms does a baby robin eat? 15 Matt’s guitar lesson lasts for 1 hour and 25 min. and ends at 6:30 pm. What time did the lesson begin? 16 Draw a triangle that has one obtuse angle. 17 How many quarts are in 3 gallons? 18 Name the factors of 40. 19 Multiply 9 x 388 = 7 x 211 = 20 Define congruent. 21 What is the value of 5 in 45,097? 22 Name the coins and bills needed to make $10.80. 23 Draw a picture with 3 quadrilaterals. 24 The answer is 250. What is the question? 25 2.4 + 1.5= 123.87 + 65.01= 26 321 x 88 = 27 ¼ =0.__ 28 Multiply 12 x 8 = 21 x 7 = 11 x 42= 29 What is the average of these grades? 75, 80, 64, 96, 100 30 What is the lowest common multiple of 12 and 5? SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday April 2011 4 th Grade Math Calendar

6 1 Round these numbers to the nearest tenth. 24.55 6.06 2 Find the volume of a rectangular prism with sides that are 5in, 8 in, 4 in. 3 Jessie’s airplane left Atlanta at 3:05 pm. Her plane arrived in Dallas at 4:30 pm. How long was her flight? 4 An ant that weighs 0.15 ounces can lift something that weighs 0.75 oz. How many times its body weight can an ant lift? 5 You have one die. If you throw the die 24 times, what is the probability of a 5 being thrown? 6 How many pitches does the average baseball last in a major league game? 50 baseballs would be used in a game where 300 pitches are thrown. 7 Sara has $10.65, Bill has $3.28, and Jen has $7.92. Rounding to the nearest dollar, about how much is their total amount? 8 The zipper was invented in 1891. Blue jeans were invented 41 years before. In what year were blue jeans invented? 9 Danielle has $12.53 and Jenny has $18.42. About how much more money does Jenny have? Estimate 10 How many bones does each baby have? There are 13 babies in the nursery and there are 4,550 bones in the room. 11 Brett ate ¼ of the pizza. Sam ate 2/8 of a pizza. Who ate more? 12 Divide 1/8 ÷ 2/3 = 4/9 ÷ ½ = 13 Joe’s math grades are 80,85,97,72,100. What is Joe’s average grade in math? 14 Subtract $276.05 -$43.21 15 Find the area b=6 in h=8 in. 16 Add 2,773 + 8,540 = 1,983 + 800 = 17 Round to the hundreds. 4,389 721 34,590 18 Draw two congruent figures. 19 Order these least to greatest. ¼; 5/8; 4/12; 1/8 20 How many lines of symmetry does a rectangle have? 21 Identify the value of x 10x + 4 =34 5x + 11 = 31 22 List the factors of 60. 23 2/3 x 4/5 = 5/8 x 6/3 = 24 Define Acute and obtuse 25 The answer is 300. Write the problem. 26 Multiply 124 x 66 = 873 x 22 = 27 Draw a model that shows 3 6 8 28 Divide 104 ÷ 6 = 539 ÷ 12 = 29 What is the formula for finding the area of a triangle? 30 Write 81 10 as a mixed number. SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday April 2011 5 th Grade Math Calendar

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