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1 1 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Assigning Probabilities Classical Method Relative Frequency Method Subjective Method Assigning probabilities based.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Assigning Probabilities Classical Method Relative Frequency Method Subjective Method Assigning probabilities based."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Assigning Probabilities Classical Method Relative Frequency Method Subjective Method Assigning probabilities based on the assumption Assigning probabilities based on the assumption of equally likely outcomes of equally likely outcomes Assigning probabilities based on experimentation Assigning probabilities based on experimentation or historical data or historical data Assigning probabilities based on judgment Assigning probabilities based on judgment

2 2 2 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Classical Method If an experiment has n possible outcomes, this method If an experiment has n possible outcomes, this method would assign a probability of 1/ n to each outcome. Experiment: Rolling a die Sample Space: S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} Probabilities: Each sample point has a 1/6 chance of occurring 1/6 chance of occurring Example

3 3 3 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Each probability assignment is given by dividing the frequency (number of days) by the total frequency (total number of days). Relative Frequency Method 4/404/40 Probability Number of Polishers Rented Number of Days 0 1 2 3 4 4 6 18 10 2 1.00

4 4 4 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Subjective Method When economic conditions and a company’s When economic conditions and a company’s circumstances change rapidly it might be circumstances change rapidly it might be inappropriate to assign probabilities based solely on inappropriate to assign probabilities based solely on historical data. historical data. We can use any data available as well as our We can use any data available as well as our experience and intuition, but ultimately a probability experience and intuition, but ultimately a probability value should express our degree of belief that the value should express our degree of belief that the experimental outcome will occur. experimental outcome will occur. The best probability estimates often are obtained by The best probability estimates often are obtained by combining the estimates from the classical or relative combining the estimates from the classical or relative frequency approach with the subjective estimate. frequency approach with the subjective estimate.

5 5 5 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Some Basic Relationships of Probability There are some basic probability relationships that can be used to compute the probability of an event without knowledge of all the sample point probabilities. Complement of an Event Complement of an Event Intersection of Two Events Intersection of Two Events Mutually Exclusive Events Mutually Exclusive Events Union of Two Events

6 6 6 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western The complement of A is denoted by A c. The complement of A is denoted by A c. The complement of event A is defined to be the event The complement of event A is defined to be the event consisting of all sample points that are not in A. consisting of all sample points that are not in A. The complement of event A is defined to be the event The complement of event A is defined to be the event consisting of all sample points that are not in A. consisting of all sample points that are not in A. Complement of an Event Event A AcAcAcAc Sample Space S Sample Space S VennDiagram

7 7 7 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western The union of events A and B is denoted by A  B  The union of events A and B is denoted by A  B  The union of events A and B is the event containing The union of events A and B is the event containing all sample points that are in A or B or both. all sample points that are in A or B or both. The union of events A and B is the event containing The union of events A and B is the event containing all sample points that are in A or B or both. all sample points that are in A or B or both. Union of Two Events Sample Space S Sample Space S Event A Event B

8 8 8 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western The intersection of events A and B is denoted by A  The intersection of events A and B is denoted by A  The intersection of events A and B is the set of all The intersection of events A and B is the set of all sample points that are in both A and B. sample points that are in both A and B. The intersection of events A and B is the set of all The intersection of events A and B is the set of all sample points that are in both A and B. sample points that are in both A and B. Sample Space S Sample Space S Event A Event B Intersection of Two Events Intersection of A and B

9 9 9 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western The addition law provides a way to compute the The addition law provides a way to compute the probability of event A, or B, or both A and B occurring. probability of event A, or B, or both A and B occurring. The addition law provides a way to compute the The addition law provides a way to compute the probability of event A, or B, or both A and B occurring. probability of event A, or B, or both A and B occurring. Addition Law The law is written as: The law is written as: P ( A  B ) = P ( A ) + P ( B )  P ( A  B 

10 10 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western The probability of an event given that another event The probability of an event given that another event has occurred is called a conditional probability. has occurred is called a conditional probability. The probability of an event given that another event The probability of an event given that another event has occurred is called a conditional probability. has occurred is called a conditional probability. A conditional probability is computed as follows : A conditional probability is computed as follows : The conditional probability of A given B is denoted The conditional probability of A given B is denoted by P ( A | B ). by P ( A | B ). The conditional probability of A given B is denoted The conditional probability of A given B is denoted by P ( A | B ). by P ( A | B ). Conditional Probability

11 11 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Multiplication Law The multiplication law provides a way to compute the The multiplication law provides a way to compute the probability of the intersection of two events. probability of the intersection of two events. The multiplication law provides a way to compute the The multiplication law provides a way to compute the probability of the intersection of two events. probability of the intersection of two events. The law is written as: The law is written as: P ( A  B ) = P ( B ) P ( A | B )

12 12 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Bayes’ Theorem NewInformationNewInformationApplication of Bayes’ TheoremApplication TheoremPosteriorProbabilitiesPosteriorProbabilitiesPriorProbabilitiesPriorProbabilities Often we begin probability analysis with initial or Often we begin probability analysis with initial or prior probabilities. prior probabilities. Then, from a sample, special report, or a product Then, from a sample, special report, or a product test we obtain some additional information. test we obtain some additional information. Given this information, we calculate revised or Given this information, we calculate revised or posterior probabilities. posterior probabilities. Bayes’ theorem provides the means for revising the Bayes’ theorem provides the means for revising the prior probabilities. prior probabilities.

13 13 Slide © 2004 Thomson/South-Western Bayes’ Theorem To find the posterior probability that event A i will To find the posterior probability that event A i will occur given that event B has occurred, we apply occur given that event B has occurred, we apply Bayes’ theorem. Bayes’ theorem. Bayes’ theorem is applicable when the events for Bayes’ theorem is applicable when the events for which we want to compute posterior probabilities which we want to compute posterior probabilities are mutually exclusive and their union is the entire are mutually exclusive and their union is the entire sample space. sample space.

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