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1 SUPPLY DIVISION Procurement and Supply Management Technical Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SUPPLY DIVISION Procurement and Supply Management Technical Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SUPPLY DIVISION Procurement and Supply Management Technical Assistance

2 2 SUPPLY DIVISION BACKGROUND Funds available but scale up not accelerating Lacking technical capacity Lack of harmonisation Duplication and gaps Need for improved coordination

3 3 SUPPLY DIVISION Global level joint problem solving and implementation team (GIST) has been established especially related to implementation of Global Fund grants Formed by UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, World Bank and Global Fund, with links to bi-lateral agencies Facilitates rapid country driven process for identification of technical support needs with one of UN agencies as country lead

4 4 SUPPLY DIVISION UN Consolidated Technical Support Plan for AIDS Procurement and supply management (PSM) UN agencies to provide technical assistance are: WHO, WB, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF through country presence Other partners

5 5 SUPPLY DIVISION UNICEF has been designated by UNAIDS/GTT as Lead Agency in procurement and supply management Main roles of the Lead Agency: Single entry point for UN Technical Support (broker) Co-ordination and facilitation of technical assistance Establish global and regional support mechanisms Liaison between providers of technical support, UN Theme Groups and global support mechanisms

6 6 SUPPLY DIVISION PSM support has to be seen in the context of the inter- related steps of the complete supply chain cycle Demand Creation Supplier Agreements Financing Receipt, Storage, Distribution Forecasting Quality Assurance Effective Use Product Procurement Product Selection Monitoring

7 7 SUPPLY DIVISION The supply chain comprises three distinct phases: product planning, product acquisition and product delivery Demand Creation Supplier Agreements Financing Receipt, Storage, Distribution Forecasting Quality Assurance Effective Use Product Procurement Product Selection Monitoring Acquisition Planning Delivery

8 8 SUPPLY DIVISION UN Agencies combine field office capacities with HQ to cover the full supply chain cycle Demand Creation Supplier Agreements Financing Receipt, Storage, Distribution Forecasting Quality Assurance Effective Use Product Procurement Product Selection Monitoring Acquisition Planning Delivery Field Office HQ SD

9 9 SUPPLY DIVISION UN Agencies so far have supported countries in strengthening planning and delivery systems in support of increased ARV access where it provides ARVs Demand Creation Financing Receipt, Storage, Distribution Forecasting Effective Use Product Selection Monitoring Planning Delivery

10 10 SUPPLY DIVISION A set of preliminary interventions have been identified and a tentative budget determined for 2006-7 PSM Support Focus Strengthening procurement + supply management planning and implementation Strengthening warehousing management + distribution systems Enhancing national medicines management information systems Regional capacity building and training

11 11 SUPPLY DIVISION 5 Priority areas Meeting 6-7 December 2005 1.Health structures Multiple funding channels and coordination mechanisms 2.PSM plan Consensus and participative generation Commitment from top level Can be used as baseline for M&E 3.Selection of OI medicines 4.Quantification & Forecasting 5.Storage and Distribution Need for logistical expertise Transportation Organisation of health systems as whole,

12 12 SUPPLY DIVISION Recommendations for country level PSM Working Group –PSM problem analyses –GAP analyses –Division of labour –Existing assessments –Advocate for PSM –ART planning and monitoring WHO/AMDS prepared TOR for working group

13 13 SUPPLY DIVISION Recommendations for country level BASELINE ASSESMENT Existing assessments Roles and responsibilities of partners Map out completed TA and lessons learned Map out ongoing/planned TA Lessons learned Coordination Avoid duplication of efforts Synergies amongst partners

14 14 SUPPLY DIVISION Recommendations for country level PSM PLAN - LIVING DOCUMENT ‘ Three ones ’ national PSM plan Procurement and distribution plan Scale up plan Identification of bottle necks Roles and responsibilities Include TA and capacity building plan Review regularly Monitor progress Update

15 15 SUPPLY DIVISION Resources needed- consultants training in CPH January 2006 Need to expand consultants roster for PSM Training organised in by WHO and AMDS partners in SD to improve capacity in PSM HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB -synergies Brief on WHO’s normative guidance in treatment access Share technical tools Create a network of PSM professionals- potential consultants



18 18 SUPPLY DIVISION PSM activities started: Bolivia Ethiopia Guinea Bissau (GIST) India Malawi Mali Nepal Niger (GIST) Nigeria (GIST) Russia Somalia Zimbabwe (GIST)

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