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Writing Journal. Today you are to write two pages describing people, places, activities etc. that you have encountered here at HMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Journal. Today you are to write two pages describing people, places, activities etc. that you have encountered here at HMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Journal

2 Today you are to write two pages describing people, places, activities etc. that you have encountered here at HMS.

3 Goober Pyle ____________________________________________________________________________ Mr. Pyle ____________________________________________________________________________ 6 th Period ____________________________________________________________________________ 8 August 2014 ______________________________________________________________________________ _______This____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

4 Write a paragraph of 5 sentences or more about the three most important goals you are going to attempt to complete in order to be a champion student for the 2014/2015 school year.

5 Goober Pyle______________________________________ Mr. Pyle_________________________________________ 7 TH Period________________________________________ 11 Aug 2014______________________________________ This year, it is very important that I set an example of a true champion. As a 6 th grade ELA teacher, I hope to be__ able to accomplish three very important goals. First, I wish_ to know my students’ expectations, challenges, hopes,____ and their likes and dislikes. Next, I wish to inspire all of__ them to become dedicated readers and passionate writers. Finally, I will attempt to keep them and their parents_____ informed of their progress throughout the school year. We are the champions of HMS.________________________ ________________________________________________

6 Writing Journal on Your Desk Make Sure You Have a Pen or Pencil

7 Aug 12 Brain Storm for Heart Map 1. Things I do in my free time 2. People I care about 3.Places I’ve lived in/visited 4.Favorite/defining memories

8 Writing prompt expository Aug 18. Topic: What if books were illegal (both written and digital)? Give your thoughts in a paragraph of 5 sentences or more.

9 Aug 26 Did you know that in some parts of the world, children your age are required to sit in hot, crowded factories and work twelve-hour days for very low wages? These children do not attend school, and they spend their childhoods working instead of playing. In a paragraph of 5 sentences or more, express your feelings on the opportunities you have in this country. How will this be a motivation for you to be a champion student?

10 Aug 27 Create an acrostic with the word champion. To begin write the word CHAMPION down the left side of your paper double spaced. Three or more words per line. C H A M P I O N

11 C aring about my students H aving their best interests at heart A lways give my best no matter how I may feel M aking sure that I am fair to every student P utting others always ahead of myself I want to be a champion for my students O nly I can give an account for my actions N ever give up on anyone and hope for the best

12 Sep 2 Write a paragraph of 5 sentences or more describing someone you know that demonstrates the characteristics of a true champion.

13 Sep 3 Write a paragraph of 7 sentences or more or a poem of 50 words or more on the following topic. Inventions are devices or discoveries that change our lives. Some are ordinary, others are major, some haven’t been created yet, and others influence us in ways that are good or bad. Write about an undiscovered invention or type of invention that interests you. This should be something new and does not have to be realistic. What does this invention look like, and what makes this invention important to you?

14 Sep 17 Write a poem or song of 50 words or more about the “wheel of life”. Remember what Angus said to Winnie about the Tucks being stuck on the side of the road like a rock. Consider the following quote from the Bible. James 4:14 New International Version (NIV) Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. If you write an acrostic, use the letters from the second and last word of “The WHEEL of LIFE”. You have 15 minutes to brainstorm.

15 Sep 23 Toys! Children love toys! If you were to walk into a toy store, you would see many different kinds of toys. Direction for Writing: The reason there are so many different kinds of toys is because we all have different tastes. Think about the toys you have loved. Prompt: Now choose your favorite toy. Brainstorm : explain what one toy is your favorite and why it is a great toy. Explain at least three reasons why this is your favorite toy. Use specific details to explain and support your reasons. Use interesting adjectives and descriptive words.

16 Brainstorm by answering the following questions. Be sure to give specific details. Questions to consider: 1.What was your favorite childhood toy and how would you describe it? 2. Where or how did you get the toy and when? 3. Why was the toy so special to you? 4. What became of the toy?

17 You have been assigned one of the following prose writings and will begin to work on your rough draft/s for turn in no later than the following date: Oct 7 The rough draft will be a daily grade for the 1 st nine weeks. The final draft will be the first test grade of the second nine weeks.

18 Writing Assignment #1 Expository/Narrative From the pre-writing topics in your writing journal, you will write a narrative or expository writing. It must have at least 3 paragraphs and be 300 to 400 words. It will be written on lined paper. It will have an MLA heading, and you will not skip lines. Be sure to indent each paragraph. You must use at least six complex sentences and two compound sentences. Write neatly. Be sure to include transitions correctly.

19 Writing Assignment #2 Paragraphs Expository/Narrative From the pre-writing topics in your writing journal, you will write two narrative or expository paragraphs. Choose two topics and write two separate paragraphs of 150 to 200 words. It will be written on lined paper. Each will have an MLA heading, and you will not skip lines. Turn in each paragraph separately. Be sure to indent each paragraph. You must use at least three complex sentences and one compound sentence in each paragraph. Write neatly. Be sure to include transitions correctly.

20 Oct 10 Mr. Pyle will give you a handout for prepositional poems. You are to write one of three prepositional poems in your writing journal. Make sure you are using prepositional phrases, not subordinate clauses. Later you will choose one of your poems to edit, revise, and rewrite on a lined sheet of paper.

21 Prepositional Poems Assignment Requirements: 1. Poem must be 7 lines or longer. 2.Each line must begin with a preposition. 3.One line can begin with another part of speech. 4.Do not use the same preposition in a poem. 5.Capitalize the first word in each line of the poem. 6.Title your poems. 7.Write 3 poems. 8.Be creative think about: friends, relatives, hobbies, pets, etc.

22 Examples of rough drafts:

23 Sweetheart On a white post fence Under the glowing sun During the middle Of the day By myself In my heart, I think About you.

24 Friend After our meeting Through the years With you Beside me Along the unknown road During rough times By each other’s side We made it together Against all odds

25 Beach Volleyball Under the hot burning sun In the middle Of the summer afternoon Beside the net With my sweating partner During a long point I spike the volleyball Over the high net and Into the yellow sand

26 Mr. Pyle’s Bluegrass Get Away Underneath the shady pine tree By the gentle relaxing pond Apart from the hustle and bustle of a busy world Out of pocket With technology Except for my dumb cell phone Because of my need For physical and mental healing I enjoy camping, fishing, and bluegrass-bluegrass-bluegrass

27 Examples of final drafts:





32 October 13 Writing Prompt: Life is filled with real events that are almost too outrageous to be believable. Many of these events started as ordinary situations that transformed into something unbelievable. Think about one event that you have experienced that is hard-to-believe. Write a reality-based narration about the unusual event so that others may see it as clearly as you. Nine sentences or more. You need to write at least nine sentences with at least one complex and one compound sentence.

33 Friday, we will turn in our Champion Acrostic poem without illustrations and our completed writing assignments to You will need to write the code for your classroom so that you can join your class and receive your assignments. Write this code on the right pocket (final draft) of your writing portfolio.


35 Nov 3 Write 2 Diamante Poems See Handout Noun Adjective, Adjective Verb-ing, Verb-ing, Verb-ing Noun, Noun, Noun, Noun Verb-ing, Verb-ing, Verb-ing Adjective, Adjective Noun

36 4 th Period ELA dvkivl

37 5 th Period ELA dr08uwc

38 6 th Period ELA ibkgw2

39 7 th Period ELA q4dsmc1

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