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11 Business reforms for job creation 2009 Public-Private Dialogue Workshop 29 April 2009, Vienna, Austria Business Friendly Bangladesh.

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1 11 Business reforms for job creation 2009 Public-Private Dialogue Workshop 29 April 2009, Vienna, Austria Business Friendly Bangladesh

2 22  Jan ’07- State of emergency declared  Low business confidence  Regulatory uncertainty and bureaucratic bottlenecks The need for Public Private Dialogue  Largest barriers to business: infrastructure, access to land, skills mismatch (WBG’s Investment Climate report 2008)

3 33 The BBBF serves as a platform for sustained and focused dialogue between the public & private sectors, so that, together, they can provide practical actionable solutions to business issues Enter the BBBF…

4 44 BBBF Structure Working Groups Secretariats 44  Formed on 25 November, 2007  41 Members (20 public, 21 private) Business Entry & OperationsBusiness Entry & Operations Business FinanceBusiness Finance InfrastructureInfrastructure Macro-economic PolicyMacro-economic Policy Skills Development.Skills Development. 5 BBBF Working Groups  Chairperson: Honorable Prime Minister

5 5555  6 BBBF Sessions, 46 Sessions of the 5 working groups  290 Recommendations proposed, 209 approved 94 implemented, 115 under implementation, 73 pending. BBBF Progress

6 66  ICT Task Force reinstated to determine national ICT Policy.  Internet Bandwidth costs reduced.  Reduced import duty for capital machinery, intermediate goods and raw materials.  National Skills Development Council (NSDC) formed as apex body for all Skills Development initiatives in Bangladesh.  Company Name Clearance in 3 days, Registration 14 days, Trade License in 3 days, Environmental Clearance Certificate in 30 days, TIN Certificate within 24 hours  NGO assistance in SME loan distribution & recovery.  99 SME Service Centres approved to provide easy access to loans and banking services for SMEs.

7 77 BBBF: Future Agenda  Continuation of BBBF under new government  Evaluate pending BBBF recommendations on a expedited basis  Enhance communication programme: broader engagement Public-Private Dialogues at District levels  Improve Government “Interface” with Business..  Accelerate the pace of reforms: Investment Climate, Regulatory Reform  Strengthen results-based Monitoring and Evaluation of approved BBBF.

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