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Update on Evaluation of Commissioning Strategy. Back Story Helen Morrell presented to Provider Forum on evaluation of the Commissioning Strategy A4E and.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on Evaluation of Commissioning Strategy. Back Story Helen Morrell presented to Provider Forum on evaluation of the Commissioning Strategy A4E and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on Evaluation of Commissioning Strategy

2 Back Story Helen Morrell presented to Provider Forum on evaluation of the Commissioning Strategy A4E and Work Directions are on Steering Group for development of customer experience metrics Now about to go into field to establish first wave of provider market database, and we are again seeking support of provider community

3 Provider Market Survey Focus: How provision of welfare to work services changes with the implementation of the Commissioning Strategy in October 2009; The impact of the Commissioning Strategy on the market and operations of prime and sub-contractors. Research will be conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers. All information you provide will treated in the strictest confidence.

4 What’s involved? Areas to be covered: Services provided to DWP/Jobcentre Plus customers; Breakdown of your DWP/Jobcentre Plus customers by age, proportion who claim benefit for invalidity or disability, and proportion who are lone parents; Organisation details including turnover and percentage of turnover accounted for by DWP/Jobcentre Plus; Other main funders of your organisation; Length of time you have provided services to DWP/Jobcentre Plus. 1. Updating Provider Details: You will be contacted in June for a 10-15 minute phone interview on your organisation and its operations. 2. Baseline and Tracking Surveys: We will contact some providers again in September 2009 for a more in-depth interview, then again in late 2010 to asses the ongoing impact of the Commissioning Strategy.

5 How you can help Momenta database is sampling frame for survey Will be approaching providers directly Want to ensure as many providers participate as possible Is there anything you can do to encourage response?

6 Thank you Thank you in advance for participating in this study and helping to shape the development of the Commissioning Strategy. If you have any questions please contact: Paul Trenell Research Officer Employment Group Department for Work and Pensions 0114 240 8504

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