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A new rehabilitation service supported by delivered by.

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3 A new rehabilitation service supported by delivered by

4 Human Focus Independent provider of worker rehabilitation services Specialist centres in Orpington, Birmingham and Manchester, but capability nation-wide Services for people who are at work but struggling to cope Services for people who have been absent from 0 up to 5 years due to persistent health problems Selected by DWP to provide return to work rehabilitation services under JRRP

5 Human Focus Teams based at rehabilitation centres in Manchester - Old Trafford Birmingham - Hagley Road Orpington - Junction 4 M25 Each centre employees full time “team” of rehabilitation professionals who provide services; Case Management & resolution support “Fit For Work” services - for people on restricted duties “Return To Work” - for people who are absent CBT & Physiotherapy based “healthcare” services Evidence Based return to work rehabilitation

6 Human Focus

7 THREE PARTS PART 1 - The background to the problem PART 2 - What is Rehabilitation PART 3 - The Job Retention & Rehabilitation Pilot (JRRP)

8 UK Health Stats. Each week 1 million people go off work sick 17,000 are still certified at week 6 3,000 are still certified at 6 months, of whom only 600 will work again within the next five years I.e. every week 2,400 become long term incapable of work…....and continue to consume healthcare services 15% are estimated workplace accidents (ie 21,000 pa) …..4 in 5 people who join IB will not work for five years

9 More UK Stats Social security expenditure is equal to 33% of governments £120bn expenditure Incapacity benefit payments account for around £15billion Current applications for IB are 33% mental & Behavioural (was 14%) and 24% MSD's (estimated to be just 19% next year) 30% of all GP sessions are as a result of psychological, mental or social problems 82% of GP’s don’t want responsibility for Med3 notes CBI 7.8 days per emp pa in absence Vs CIPD 8.7 days pa Total absence costs estimated £10-12billion pa

10 UK Disability

11 Government 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 19841989199419962002 1998 Number of people in receipt of Incapacity Benefit in UK 1984-2002

12 Not us! Direct Costs of Absence p/person pa Medium retail store£465 Retail group£497 Regulatory body£809 Law firm£837 Small retail store£861 Insurance company£991 Large retail store£1,268 Financial services co.£1,677 Local authority£2,261 IES “costing sickness absence” study 2002

13 How Much! Estimates based on UNUM study: Direct Costs = 60% Indirect Costs = 20% Absence Management Costs = 20% Long term Absence stands out as being poorly managed compared with short-term absence Long term absence gives rise to concern among line managers Accounts for between 30% and 75% of total absence costs Long term absence provides huge scope for cost reduction

14 THREE PARTS PART 1 - The background to the problem PART 2 - What is Rehabilitation PART 3 - The Job Retention & Rehabilitation Pilot (JRRP)

15 DISABILITY IMPAIRMENTIMPAIRMENT Disability vs Impairment Douglas Bader Mr A Non

16 Barriers to RTW Persons own beliefs about their condition or pain Pain / physical impairment preventing a RTW Social & vocational circumstances surrounding person e.g.. happy at work, culture, home life Financial and employment policies / facts of life

17 THREE PARTS PART 1 - The background to the problem PART 2 - What is Rehabilitation PART 3 - The Job Retention & Rehabilitation Pilot (JRRP)

18 Why WorkCare? BIG PROBLEM - 7% of working pop not working due to ill health Vs Unemployment 5%. Employers cost of absence & EL claims rising WRONG SYSTEM - IB and EL and sometime employment systems are ‘compensation’ focused & do not help the individual recover. NO RESOURCE - The NHS has no resources to tackle work issues and is not generally concerned with work as an outcome measure Needed because...

19 Pilot Regions WorkCare Pilot regions Birmingham West Kent Greater Glasgow North Tyneside Sheffield Tees T: 0800 052 1659

20 Pilot Regions

21 6 wks. - 6 months of absence 2. Workplace Boost 3. Healthcare & Workplace 4. Control = Normal services Central Contact Centre Project monitored and evaluated by the “National Centre for Social Research” = 25% Informed Consent WorkCare is part of the JRRP initiative which is supported by Not eligible 1. Healthcare Boost

22 Recruitment All regions - “Where found out about the pilot” (Cum. to 07/05/04) 26% 15% 3%27% 17% 2% 1% 5% 4% GP Employer Poster Leaflet Radio Advert TV Advert Friend or relative Newspaper Other

23 Time Off Work

24 Case Study 40 year old bank clerk, absent for 5 months upon randomisation. Contacted service via GP recommendation, suffering from depression and anxiety. “ I was really nervous about whether I could even drive to work never mind do my job ” Assessed by Re-integration specialist and cognitive behavioural therapist within 10 days of being randomised into service. Provided with both one to one and group therapy to help overcome her difficulties. “I had one to one time with the team at the centre, they really listened to me” Having been supported closely for three weeks, including liaison with the employer and their occupational health provider, the person is now back at work full time. “The WorkCare service has been fantastic and I would not be back at work without it”

25 Your Involvement Benefits of working with JRRP / “WorkCare” 1 - Reduces cost of providing health services 2 - Improves range & quality of services to colleagues 3 - Proactive at reducing “heart sink” case load 4 - Reduces waiting times for healthcare intervention 5 - Reduces staffing costs 6 - Reduces workload on Occupational Health & HR 7 - Involvement in the development of future services

26 WorkCare 7,500 places nationally, including control group Study runs for 2 years or until all 7,500 places have gone Nobody is denied access to any existing care services 75% will receive additional services Free at the point of delivery for the patient Free to the PCT, GP, NHS Trust and the employer Study will influence nature of a new national service DWP / DoH will make results publicly available Largest ever UK RCT of vocational rehabilitation

27 Thank You Human Focus Contact; Andrew Pemberton or Beverley Sandy Human Focus Return To Work Tel: 0121 456 7460 Fax: 0121 456 7461 Email: The WorkCare pilot is supported by;

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