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 Something about Mrs. Cameron  Graduated from Elon College  Married with 2 girls; one married  Lynchburg College  East Carolina University  I have.

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Presentation on theme: " Something about Mrs. Cameron  Graduated from Elon College  Married with 2 girls; one married  Lynchburg College  East Carolina University  I have."— Presentation transcript:

1  Something about Mrs. Cameron  Graduated from Elon College  Married with 2 girls; one married  Lynchburg College  East Carolina University  I have 4 cats: Checkers, Thumbelina, Salem, Sadie  I have 2 grand puppies: Bella and Duke  Huge Duke Fan!!  My Favorite color is PURPLE!!!!

2  Science Inquiry  Measurement-The metric system is use by all Scientists  Scientific Method- There is a format of which scientist write a formal lab report  Lab Safety- Special rules apply when in the science laboratory. These must followed to assure the safety of all!

3  Hydrosphere  A) Explain the structure of the hydrosphere including:  Water distribution on earth  Local river basin and water availability  B) Summarize evidence that Earth’s oceans are a reservoir of nutrients, minerals, dissolved gases, and life forms:  Estuaries  Marine ecosystems  Upwelling  Behavior of gases in the marine environment  Value and sustainability of marine resources  Deep ocean technology and understandings gained 

4  C) Predict the safety and portability of water supplies in North Carolina based on physical and biological factors, including:  Temperature  Dissolved oxygen  pH  Nitrates and phosphates  Turbidity  Bio-indicators  D) Conclude that the good health of humans requires:  Monitoring of the hydrosphere  Water quality standards  Methods of water treatment  Maintaining safe water quality  Stewardship

5  Structures and Functions of Living Organisms  Understand the hazards caused by agents of diseases that effect living organisms.  Understand how biotechnology is used to affect living organisms.  Molecular Biology  Understand the composition of various substances as it relates to their ability to serve as a source of energy and building materials for growth and repair of organisms.

6  Geological Time  a) Explain the relationship between genetic variation and an organism’s ability to adapt to its environment  B)Summarize the use of evidence drawn from geology, fossils, and comparative anatomy to form the basis for biological classification systems and the theory of evolution.  C) Infer the age of Earth and relative age of rocks and fossils from index fossils and ordering of rock layers (relative dating and radioactive dating).  D) Explain the use of fossils, ice cores, composition of sedimentary rocks, faults, and igneous rock formations found in rock layers as evidence of the history of the Earth and its changing life forms.

7  Chemistry.  A) Classify matter as elements, compounds, or mixtures based on how the atoms are packed together in arrangements.  B) Explain how the physical properties of elements and their reactivity have been used to produce the current model of the Periodic Table of elements.  C) Compare physical changes such as size, shape and state to chemical changes that are the result of a chemical reaction to include changes in temperature, color, formation of a gas or precipitate.  D) Explain how the idea of atoms and a balanced chemical equation support the law of conservation of mass.

8  Energy: Conservation and Transfer  A) Explain the environmental consequences of the various methods of obtaining, transforming, and distributing energy.  B) Explain the implications of the depletion of renewable and nonrenewable energy resources and the importance of conservation.

9  Ecosystems  How food, water, shelter, and space effect populations  Producers, consumers, and decomposers  Food webs

10  Everyday you will need to have a 3- ring binder for science with loose-leaf paper, pencils, sharpener, colored pencils, USB Drive, and computer.  You will not receive a textbook. There is a TECHbook that you will use for homework and class work assignments.  To view the Science Techbook go to

11  The North Carolina End-of-Grade (EOG) is designed to measure student performance on the competencies specified in the goals and objectives of the Standard Course of Study in science at grade 8.  The test is used to determine science class placement in high school and is used in determining the school AYP score.

12 Grades are calculated using three main categories:  Test/Projects/Labs = 45%  Class work/Home work = 45%  Testlets =10%

13  The purpose of homework is to reinforce what students learned in class  Do not give often so when I do you need to complete it.  Most of the time its to finish something started in class.

14  Absent students must turn in missing work. The number of days you have to make up the missing assignments is equivalent to the number of days you were absent.  If you need a print out of a worksheet or assignment please let me know.  You are responsible for getting your missing work. Ask 3 friends and then me!

15  To evaluate student understanding of goals and objectives of the standard course of study, tests are given at the end of each goal.  Quizzes are given to check understanding on key items such as vocabulary.  Benchmark tests are given once each quarter by the school district to check overall understanding of the science topics taught during the previous nine weeks.  Benchmark and EOG scores are not reflected in the student’s overall score for the class however please do your best. The only way I can help you improve is to know what you don’t understand.

16 School Wide ExpectationsClass Expectations Practice Honesty  Be Honest Act Responsibly  Be Prompt ; On time, in seat, ready to go  Be Prepared Come to class with all needed materials Treat Others With Respect  Be Respectful Treat people the way you want to be treated Have Self Discipline  Be Engaged Follow directions Raise your hand before speaking or getting out of your seat

17  Follow directions given by the teacher(s).  Be prepared. Bring your pencil, spiral notebook and 3 ring binder with paper to each class. (Sharpen pencils before class begins.)  Be on time. Class begins promptly – you must be in your seat at that time.  Stay seated and quiet. Raise your hand before asking or answering questions. No talking or getting out of seats without permission. Class time is for SCIENCE work only.

18  Be courteous and respectful to the teacher(s) and other students at all times. Also, have respect for school (and other people’s) property.  Remain in your seats until you are dismissed at the end of the class.  Pay attention to lesson being taught and ask questions when you don’t understand.  Work hard while at school and stay on task.  ALL SCHOOL RULES are in effect in this classroom at ALL TIMES.

19  What to do when they enter the classroom  Take out the materials you will use in this class.  Start working on the warm-up assignment immediately.

20  What to do at dismissal of class / when bell ring  You are to remain in your seat until I dismiss the class. The bell does not dismiss the class. You do not dismiss the class. The Teacher dismisses the class.  Criteria for Dismissal  Clean desk, work area and put chairs under table. Last class chairs go on tables.

21 Signal for your immediate attention  When you see me raise my hand or turn off the lights, I need you to do the following:  Freeze and stop talking  Turn and face me; pay attention and keep your eyes on me.  Be ready for instruction. I will have something to say.

22  When finish work early  Start working on your homework, assignment or see me for extension work on the topic.  When a school wide announcement is made  During announcements, you are to sit quietly (no talking) in your seat and listen and/or watch the announcement. We do not want to miss important school information.  When visitors are in the classroom  Continue to work quietly if a visitor enters the room. I will alert you if I need your attention.

23 Responding to fire drill  At the sound of the alarm, quietly stop working and form a single file line at the door. Wait until I open the door, then proceed quietly to our designated area in a single file line. Maintain the single file line while outside and when returning to the classroom.  There is to be NO talking, or horseplay during a fire drill.  These at the be taken seriously!! Your life could depend on it one day!

24  When walking to another location, all students will line up in the hallway and silently walk in a single file line.  So we do not disturb other classes.

25 I have a no tolerance for inappropriate behavior during a laboratory activity. Students will be asked once to stop the inappropriate behavior. The second time it occurs the student will be asked to stand in the hall until the activity is complete.

26  Mr. Marshall is the 8 th Grade Administrator.  Rules & Procedures are designed to keep you OUT of his office.  If a behavior is preventing me from teaching or preventing students from learning, I will do something about it.

27  If I see inappropriate behavior, I will deal with it. You may not always know.  If you don’t think I saw it or know about it, report it to me and I will watch for it.  Fair doesn’t mean equal – we don’t treat everyone the same. Sometimes for reasons I’m not allowed to discuss with you.

28  In a recent study, it was determined that an average teacher makes close to 3000 decisions a day.  I’m going to make mistakes! I’m human.  If you aren’t happy with a decision I make, I would like to know about it. Lets discuss it one on one.

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