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1 Note the instrument’s name & manufacturer Record these procedures in your notebook. You will be given a timed quiz over these procedures. Yes, you may.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Note the instrument’s name & manufacturer Record these procedures in your notebook. You will be given a timed quiz over these procedures. Yes, you may."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Note the instrument’s name & manufacturer Record these procedures in your notebook. You will be given a timed quiz over these procedures. Yes, you may use your notes when taking the quiz. The instrument is on if the two green lights are flashing

2 2 OK1. click easy OMNIC later 0.A good place to start, “Is the instrument working today DrG?

3 3 4. set the instrument default to “Smart Golden Gate”

4 4 5. Have the ZnSe plate open & exposed to the atmosphere

5 5 Clean with methylene chloride on a kimwipe and wipe instrument clean of sample if found like the figure on the left

6 6 “collect background” 7.confirm the ZnSe plate is open to the atmosphere, then ckick okay

7 7 8.wait till all scans are complete, then click yes, “add background to window.”

8 8 9.add the sample using a capillary tude and cover it with the glass plate.

9 9 collect sample okay okay

10 10 yes, “add spectrum to window.”

11 11 “<-” selection tool 16. select the blue background

12 12 to clear the “red” highlighted background

13 13 Find Peaks and black threshold bar will appear 19.threshold bar moves where the cursor is clicked. Peaks are automatically selected.

14 14 20.threshold bar moves where the cursor is clicked. Peaks are automatically selected.

15 15 REPLACE, Don’t forget to do this

16 16 “T” for text Type your name, sample name, unk# sample type, then click “enter” print

17 17 25. click file, select file “Save As”

18 18 26. select the location the file will be saved to. BRING A USB DRIVE 27. select file type as “windows metafile” 28. Give the file a simple name like “FTIR69.wmf” FTIR69.wmf before saving.

19 19 methylene chloride on a kimwipe and wipe instrument clean of sample

20 20 Review your notes because you may be given a timed quiz over the set-up and use of the instrument. I am hope you took accurate notes. Yes, may use your notes when taking the quiz.

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