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Human Resources FRIDAY SESSION ROLE OF DISTRICT TEAM Cooperation between membership and media PR team at district level Who is the Club? Resource group.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Resources FRIDAY SESSION ROLE OF DISTRICT TEAM Cooperation between membership and media PR team at district level Who is the Club? Resource group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Resources FRIDAY SESSION ROLE OF DISTRICT TEAM Cooperation between membership and media PR team at district level Who is the Club? Resource group for Club Chairs Organise seminars Support struggling Clubs Interview people exiting

2 Human Resources FRIDAY SESSION STRENGTHENING CLUBS Club self assessment Good programmes Import Club President & President Elect Be seen by community Set achievable goals Member education e-learning centre

3 Human Resources FRIDAY SESSION RECRUITMENT Flexibility with classifications Working females Know your target market Family members of Alumni Corporate membership Satellite meetings

4 Human Resources FRIDAY SESSION At RISK CLUBS Survey members SWOT analysis of Club Use District resources – AG DMC Meeting times Members from other Clubs to attend Assess Club

5 Presidents Elect Where are we now? With particular reference to membership diversity (or lack of it), how we are adapting to recent and ongoing changes in society, reasons why Rotary may not be attractive to younger people who would like to be the next generation of Rotarians.

6 Membership development action plan - Step One ISSUES Small Clubs = member fatigue Poor communication Reluctant to change No Membership plan – ad hoc

7 Membership Resources ISSUES Long standing Members Young Members not able to have a say Ageing Members not attending Club Traditions and habits Emphasis on professional & business people – get right people!

8 Human Resources Demographics Mainly “Aussie” Anglo-Celtic Don’t reflect general community Must understand demographics Young working couples

9 Human Resources Diversity Reflect diversity of Society Do not be judgemental Be open and welcoming Be accepting and understanding

10 Human Resources General Recruiting ideas BEYOND 2000 & Two Up Club in a Club Membership surveys Membership Forums Local Public Relations & use Media Four to five females inducted together Open to change

11 Human Resources Recruiting Gen X & Y Get Clubs right! Episodic projects – volunteering Have younger members develop projects Younger “satellite” meetings Need to reduce costs

12 Human Resources Get Clubs right! Non relevant Traditions Toasts, anthem, grace, club song Nurture new members – educate! Get them involved! Environment, International and human based issues for projects Alumni – recruit family & friends

13 Human Resources Club development Use electronic communications Focus on engagement not attendance Follow up on recruitment through newsletters etc & personal contact Partner with other organisations

14 Human Resources Other Great Ideas Member relationships greeter “Friends of Rotary” Corporate membership Satellite meetings Families of Alumni

15 Human Resources Other great ideas Circulate RDU magazine, club newsletters Guest speakers – Basics of Rotary Become true dual gender Clubs! Ask! Ask! Ask!

16 Human Resources To receive the: “Membership on the Move” (Membership Newsletter) Name & email - Noel Trevaskis National Membership website:

17 Human Resources The Sun never sets on Rotary!

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