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Week 2: Creative Writing Ms. Moran. Monday, September 14, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

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Presentation on theme: "Week 2: Creative Writing Ms. Moran. Monday, September 14, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 2: Creative Writing Ms. Moran

2 Monday, September 14, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

3 Do Now 0 Find a person in class who is “newer” to you. Share one interesting fact about yourself.

4 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By tomorrow, bring in one artifact from your childhood (picture/object) // By Thursday, have revised autobiography ready to share. 0 Monday: Name activities 0 Tuesday: Childhood memories 0 Wednesday: 7 Minute Autobiography 0 Thursday: Presentation of Autobiography 0 Friday: Poems and Vocab Quiz

5 What’s up today? 0 Read an account that focuses on the importance of a name and write about the significance of your name 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Name stations 0 Name generators 0 Ticket to Leave

6 Free Writing FREEWRITING RULES 0 1. Write without stopping (don’t let inner editor catch up.) 0 2. Write for the whole time (after you have written everything you know, you write what you don’t know). 0 3. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar (until the final draft). 0 4. Follow the dog. (Follow those odd smells, sounds, images at the corner of your mind.) FREEWRITING HINTS (if you are slow getting started) 0 1. Start in the present moment with what you are thinking and feeling 0 2. Describe your surroundings using all your senses. Describe how your body feels. 0 3. If you start to feel self-conscious or stiff in your writing, write about it!

7 Today’s Free Write 0 Write about someone named Ollie Pantoja 7 minutes

8 Today’s Vocabulary: Ambivalent 0 having mixed, contradictory feelings about something or someone

9 Stations about names 0 At each of four stations, you will find either a reading or activity 0 At each station, one person reads the poem/story aloud 0 What are the names in the story? 0 How are those names important? 0 Are the names experiences positively or negatively? 0 What connections can you make to the author’s feelings about names? 0 *Use one colored paper per station*

10 Station 4 0 Pet names: names/index.html#.Ver9gCxVikq names/index.html#.Ver9gCxVikq 0 How many people have your name? 0 Random name generator:

11 Ticket to Leave 0 Share out one thing you learned about the importance of names either for yourself or for others

12 Game! 0 This one time I…

13 Please move the desks back to rows

14 Tuesday, September 15, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

15 Do Now 0 Find a NEW partner and discuss these two quotes: “What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” – William Shakespeare “Call him Voldemort, Harry. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.” – J.K. Rowling

16 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By Thursday, have revised autobiography ready to share. 0 Monday: Name activities 0 Tuesday: Childhood memories 0 Wednesday: 7 Minute Autobiography 0 Thursday: Presentation of Autobiography 0 Friday: Poems and Vocab Quiz

17 What’s up today? 0 Present an object from childhood. Use that object as basis for descriptive writing and revision. 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Sharing artifacts from childhood 0 Red Bicycles, Blue Seas 0 Ticket to Leave

18 Free Writing FREEWRITING RULES 0 1. Write without stopping (don’t let inner editor catch up.) 0 2. Write for the whole time (after you have written everything you know, you write what you don’t know). 0 3. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar (until the final draft). 0 4. Follow the dog. (Follow those odd smells, sounds, images at the corner of your mind.) FREEWRITING HINTS (if you are slow getting started) 0 1. Start in the present moment with what you are thinking and feeling 0 2. Describe your surroundings using all your senses. Describe how your body feels. 0 3. If you start to feel self-conscious or stiff in your writing, write about it!

19 Free Write 0 Write about the object or picture you brought in. 0 10 minutes

20 Today’s Vocabulary: Analyze 0 to study or examine something carefully in order to gain a deeper understanding

21 Red Bicycles, Blue Seas 0 Choose a color 0 Write about a childhood memory associated with that color 0 15 minutes then pause

22 Why Description Matters 0 We will read together 0 As we read, highlight information that resonates, inspires, or calls you to question

23 Revise and Rewrite 0 Read your piece aloud to a partner 0 As you listen to the reading, think of one thing the author did well and one description you would like to hear more of 0 After both reading and receiving feedback, spend 7 minutes rewriting your piece

24 Ticket to Leave 0 Share your most descriptive sentence

25 Please move the desks back to rows

26 Wednesday, September 16, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

27 Do Now 0 Find a partner. Ask them the first word that comes to mind when they think about this class. Discuss what you think that means. 0 Some words don’t exist in English Fernweh (German): Feeling homesick for a place you’ve never been.

28 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: By tomorrow, have revised autobiography ready to share. 0 Monday: Name activities 0 Tuesday: Childhood memories 0 Wednesday: 7 Minute Autobiography 0 Thursday: Presentation of Autobiography 0 Friday: Poems and Vocab Quiz

29 What’s up today? 0 Write a 7 minute autobiography. Revise to include descriptions. 0 Free Write 0 Vocabulary 0 Random Autobiography Reading 0 7 Minute Autobiography 0 Ticket to Leave

30 Free Writing FREEWRITING RULES 0 1. Write without stopping (don’t let inner editor catch up.) 0 2. Write for the whole time (after you have written everything you know, you write what you don’t know). 0 3. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar (until the final draft). 0 4. Follow the dog. (Follow those odd smells, sounds, images at the corner of your mind.) FREEWRITING HINTS (if you are slow getting started) 0 1. Start in the present moment with what you are thinking and feeling 0 2. Describe your surroundings using all your senses. Describe how your body feels. 0 3. If you start to feel self-conscious or stiff in your writing, write about it!

31 Free Write What is the best or worst thing that ever happened to you?

32 Today’s Vocabulary: Animosity 0 strong feeling of dislike or ill-will towards someone/something

33 Bonus Words 0 Scowl: an angry expression 0 Strode: walk with long steps in a specific directions

34 Random Autobiography 0 Read together 0 What does the author do to guide the reader through her life? 0 What do you like about her style of writing? 0 How does she use minimal yet powerful descriptions to engage her reader?

35 Writing Your Autobiography 0 Ideally, it should take no more than 7 minutes to READ it, but it will take longer to write it 0 Due tomorrow- independently revised and rewritten

36 Ticket to Leave 0 Share one descriptive word

37 Please move the desks back to rows

38 Thursday, September 17, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4!)

39 Do Now 0 Get out your piece of writing. Read it over in your head. Take a few minutes and collect your thoughts.

40 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: Late work due tomorrow 0 Monday: Name activities 0 Tuesday: Childhood memories 0 Wednesday: 7 Minute Autobiography 0 Thursday: Presentation of Autobiography 0 Friday: Poems and Vocab Quiz

41 What’s up today? 0 Present your autobiography. Give and receive critical praise and feedback. 0 Vocabulary 0 7 Minute Autobiography 0 Ticket to Leave

42 Today’s Vocabulary: Approximate 0 close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact

43 Procedure 0 Read Giving Feedback on Writing 0 Decide what type of feedback you want 0 Decide what you will be listening for before each reading 0 Record your feedback on a separate sheet of paper. Hand that in with your autobiography.

44 Partners 0 Brandon and William 0 Linh and Somelys 0 Anderson and Kellyn 0 Joshua and Joel 0 Eddie and Gilberto 0 Poonaty and Cindy

45 Ticket to Leave 0 Praise 0 Praise another classmate’s contribution to class. Be specific! What did you like about what they read or said?

46 Please move the desks back to rows

47 Friday, September 18, 2015 0 Welcome to class! 0 Today our desks should look like this (groups of 4 )

48 Do Now 0 Vocabulary Quiz: Use each word in a sentence 0 Analyze 0 Ambivalent 0 Alternative 0 Animosity 0 Approximate

49 What’s up this week? 0 Homework: None 0 Monday: Name activities 0 Tuesday: Childhood memories 0 Wednesday: 7 Minute Autobiography 0 Thursday: Presentation of Autobiography 0 Friday: Poems and Vocab Quiz

50 What’s up today? 0 Write a poem based on reading the first line 0 Vocabulary Quiz 0 Bag of Swag!! 0 Writing poem 0 Reading Poem 0 Ticket to Leave


52 Poetry on the T? 0 Interested? 0 See me after class.

53 Poem Writing 0 With a partner, you are going to write a poem based on the first line of a famous poem: “Ink runs from the corners of my mouth. ”

54 Reading 0 Eating Poetry by Mark Strand

55 Ticket to Leave

56 Please move the desks back to rows

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