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Improved Ray Trace Program for Deformed X-ray Optical Systems

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1 Improved Ray Trace Program for Deformed X-ray Optical Systems
Bakhita Thordarson, Columbia University Mentor: Peter Cheimets, SAO

2 Accomplishments Increased processing speed by a factor of 5
Ray accuracy Increased processing speed by a factor of 5 Adapted the program to use input from new FEA software Program now accepts new optical designs and predicts optical performance for both the perfect surface and an approximation of the deformed surface Program also has the ability to reflect rays off of the actual deformed surface Ray trace results -The first graph shows a histogram indicating ray accuracy, so how many rays are deflecting to the focal point -The second graph shows the result of the ray trace, depicting where the rays hit on the focal plane FEA (Finite Element Analysis) like Solidworks

3 Overview We need the ability to evaluate the optical performance of deformed optical systems Current programs to do so either do not work because of system upgrades or are inefficient and not very versatile They ray trace off of the ideal surface rather than the deformed surface

4 Wolter I System X-ray optical system
Two mirror system, parabola followed by a hyperbola Examples Chandra Solar B Chandra The focus of the parabola matches the far focus of the hyperbola Grazing incidence, so the focus is far from the entrance aperture: Chandra is 10 meters Solar B Incoming ray Wolter I System X-rays

5 Optical Surface Analysis Code (OSAC)
Previous program for ray tracing deformed optics Written in Fortran Obsolete due to several system upgrades OSAC-like Program Written in Matlab Slow Not very versatile No longer have the ability to retrieve the FEA data

6 Improved program Now accepts data from new FEA input files
Increased processing speed by 5x User input allows for more versatility and variability in results Helped develop GUI Now able to deflect the rays off of the deformed surface

7 Modeled Deformed Surface
Parabolic Mirror Hyperbolic Mirror


9 Finding the Deformed Surface
Reflected ray Reflected ray ray Delta r α θ r z Deformed surface Ideal surface

10 Results Ideal Surface Approximated Deformed Surface Deformed Surface
RMS dia: arcsec Approximated Deformed Surface Deformed Surface RMS dia: arcsec RMS dia: arcsec

11 Future Work Now that it’s working for two surfaces, make sure the rays are finding the deformed second surface Work with slopes generated from FEA program rather than calculated slopes

12 Acknowledgements Peter Cheimets Jenna Samra Mark Freeman
Kathy Reeves and Henry Winter MaGIXS Technology Development Contract NNM13AA40C

13 Finding the Deformed Surface
Work with the deformed surface rather than ideal one Use the angle with the surface and the delta r to walk along the ray path Iterative process; if deformed surface is not found, repeat the process with the same angle and the new delta r

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