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Photo Album by Molly Larkin. MISSION : Techbridge empowers girls to realize their dreams through science, technology and engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo Album by Molly Larkin. MISSION : Techbridge empowers girls to realize their dreams through science, technology and engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo Album by Molly Larkin

2 MISSION : Techbridge empowers girls to realize their dreams through science, technology and engineering.

3 ECOSYSTEM Approach Partners Role Models Families Teachers Girls Role Model Training Teacher Professional Development National Partnerships with Nonprofits Family Events and Resources Afterschool & Summer Programming Field Trips with Corporate Partners

4 IMPACT: Long-Term Outcomes

5 IMPACT: STEM Careers 96% Girls think engineering is a good career 98% Parents say raised confidence in STEM in their girls 100% T eachers say girls have more STEM knowledge

6 EXPANSION TO DC – Fall 2015!

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