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Life Cycle of a Plant by Kaitlyn Lanham Grade Level and Expectations 1 st grade Life ScienceLife Science Students will be able to determine the order.

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2 Life Cycle of a Plant by Kaitlyn Lanham

3 Grade Level and Expectations 1 st grade Life ScienceLife Science Students will be able to determine the order of a life cycle. Students will comprehend the influences of seasons, weather, and animal life on the development of a seed. These will be determined by a quiz that will consist of three multiple choice questions.

4 Where did the seed come from? Before a plant grows, a seed hast to be planted. There are a few helpers with this: Birds Weather The plant Go back to quiz.

5 Birds help plant seeds by eating berries, nuts, and some flowers. The seeds are processed and dropped by the birds far away from where the seed first started. There is an animal that helps plant nut trees. It is small and furry, sometimes brown, and can make a chattering sound. What is it?

6 The weather helps plant seeds by gentle or fierce winds blowing them from their parent plant to soft ground. Some like dandelion seeds are designed for the wind to pick them up and whisk them off.

7 The plant itself helps with replanting the seeds by dropping them into the ground. To see all the ways a seed can be planted click

8 How does the seed become a plant? This process is called germination. Germination takes place in spring time when the sun is shining and there is just enough water. The water and warmth from the sun wake the seed up, causing it to grow roots. Water Sun = Happy Seed + The seed is now ready to become a plant.

9 Germination Once the germination process has started the cotyledon splits open and the roots start to emerge, reaching into the dirt for food and water. Cotyledon: the tough coat that protects the seed before it is planted. Information from The shoot, stem and leaves, will start to grow up through the soil toward the warmth of the sun. The next stage is as a seedling. Go back to quiz.

10 Stages of germination Watch this to see the process of germination.germination

11 Seedling When the roots grow down into the soil and the stem and leaves grown up toward the sun the seedling stage has started. During this stage the plant will get its food from the sun, through a process called photosynthesis; water and other nutrients will be brought to the plant by its roots.

12 Light is absorbed by the chlorophyll in the leaves and turned into food for the plant. Chlorophyll is what makes the leaves green.

13 Mature Plant The plant will now produce flowers which will become fruit with more seeds inside. Once summer is past and fall comes around the fruit will release the seeds. This is the life cycle of a plant. Information from

14 The Life Cycle of a Plant Seed is planted Germination starts Seedling sprouts Mature plant Seed is released by plant Go back to quiz.

15 Let’s review! Weather, birds, and plants are helpers in the process of planting seeds. When there is the right amount of water and sun the seed starts to germinate. The next stage is as a seedling, small leaves grow on shoots of the plant. After growing for a while the plant will mature, flowers will blossom containing seeds to start the process over again.

16 Quiz To move through the quiz you must answer the questions correctly. If incorrect review the slide, then try again.

17 Question 1. What is the process called when the seed starts to grow roots? A.SproutingSprouting B.Growth SpurtGrowth Spurt C.GerminationGermination D.SeedlingSeedling

18 A. Sprouting Not quite. Let’s review germination.germination

19 B. Growth Spurt Not quite. Let’s review germination.germination

20 C. Germination Correct! Move on to question 2.question 2.

21 D. Seedling Not quite. Let’s review germination.germination

22 Question 2 What helps the seed to be planted? A.Sun and waterSun and water B.PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis C.GerminationGermination D.BirdsBirds

23 A. Sun and water Not quite. Let’s review helpers.helpers

24 B. Photosynthesis Not quite. Let’s review helpers.helpers

25 C. Germination Not quite. Let’s review helpers.helpers

26 D. Birds Correct! Move on to question 3.

27 Question 3 What is missing in the order of a plants life cycle? Seed is planted, germination starts, seedling sprouts, _______________, seed is released by plant. A.Mature plantMature plant B.Grown up plantGrown up plant C.Flowering plantFlowering plant D.Fruit plant

28 A. Mature plant Correct!

29 B. Grown up plant Not quite. Let’s review the life cycle

30 C. Flowering plant Not quite. Let’s review the life cycle

31 D. Fruit plant Not quite. Let’s review the life cycle

32 The End. Thank you!

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